Saturday, March 2, 2019

SlimKirby plays The Simpsons: Hit and Run - Part 19 of 22

The bad news is: the aliens seem to have won.

The good news is: we can still stop them.

The better news is: the game goes into full Treehouse of Horror mode.

Level 7

The map here is the same as Levels 1 and 4, with two key differences. The first is that there is a zombie apocalypse due to Buzz Cola being in the town water supply. The second is that the nuclear power plant and the rich part of town near the area code signs are both sealed off. (This is actually because the artists on the development team for this game were pressed for time and couldn't get them completed in time for the game's release, so both areas are sealed off. Interestingly enough, if you can use a game enhancement device or any other means to get in there in a way that does not involve normal game play, you'll see that they are pretty much intact and you'll hear some music that goes unused due to the inability to get in these areas.)

Once again, some of the collectibles will be in the places you probably know them from in Levels 1 and 4, but you'll have less ground to cover to find everything.

Also, if you haven't noticed at this point, the wasp cameras were more aggressive in Levels 5 and 6. In this level, they go all out to make sure you don't hit them.

This time around, there is a zombie apocalypse, so get ready for more than a few Treehouse of Horror references. Even one of Homer's costumes - the one where Homer has a donut head - is a reference to the Treehouse of Horror series. Meanwhile, the Dirty costume is Homer dressed as a hobo for Halloween.

You start off in the Simpson residence again. Talk to Lisa, and you'll trigger the first mission. She will tell you the zombies are on their way as zombies eat people at a baseball game on television. Homer goes out to buy supplies.

Mission 1: Rigor Motors

Mission: Collect supplies to help fend off the zombies. Don't let time run out!

And you don't want time to run out, because you only have mere seconds to get from one location to another.

Go to the Flanders' house and talk to Ned Flanders. Flanders will give you the first aid kit. From here, collect the first aid kit and drive to Cletus' house. You can use the cemetery as a shortcut, but beware: there is a pool of water oozing out of the ground. Grab the boards, then drive to Moe's house. Talk to Moe to get the chainsaw, then get the chainsaw and drive back to the Simpson residence to complete the mission.

From here, drive to the school playground for the next mission.

There are some tings that should be mentioned, such as the coffins in the pool of water in the graveyard as well as the Hell Toupee collector card that is there, the Evergreen Terrace sign reading "Evergreen Terror," the river of blood below the bridge. the cobweb at the top of the bridge, the numerous zombie NPCs running around, the ghostly cards and hearses that are being driven around town, the Springfield Tire Fire pit actually being on fire this time around, and the police cars being replaced by hearses with flames painted on the sides.

The wager race is in front of the power plant. Since you don't really have a lap to go around, you'll be going from the power plant to the school where the UFO is.

The school is obviously the next place you need to go to, as mentioned before. This time, it is a school of wizardry like in one of the later Treehouse of Horror episodes rebuilt to look like a castle, and the baseball diamond is the base of operations as set up by Kang and Kodos. Talk to Comic Book Guy, and you'll trigger the second mission.

The three street races are run by zombies and not Ralph, Nelson and Milhouse. The checkpoint race is in front of the elementary school and just takes you from the school to the power plant.

The zombie at the power plant sells the Zombie Car, which you'll need for the second mission. The toughness is something to be desired, but the speed acceleration and handling are perfect or nearly perfect. 

Alright, time to talk to Comic Book Guy. He will tell you that the UFO is using a tractor beam to suck in trespassers to their doom, and that the black car nearby is an advanced probe for the mothership. He tells you to get a zombie car in order to protect yourself, even though it runs on human brains.

If you haven't bought it already, go get it. If you have it, the next mission starts.

Mission 2: Long Black Probes

Mission: Find out where the alien car is headed. Follow the car!

Get in the Zombie Car and follow the alien car, which is pretty fast. This is harder than it looks, because the traffic can really get in your way sometimes. You'll be following this car back to the power plant. Once you get there, talk to Professor Frink.

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