Sunday, March 10, 2019

newfiebangaa plays Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage - Part 3 of 4

That's not all, folks! We have to face Tazz and Wile E. Coyote in this hectic adventure.

Level 9.1

As soon as you head to the right, Tazz the Tazmanian Devil will come out of the ground and chase after you. Keep going right, stop at the ledge, and jump straight up when Tazz spins towards you to get him to spin off the ledge. You'll be taking care of Tazz in this fashion quite a few times throughout the level.

A green bird will then fly out from the top of screen. Jump on him to hitch a ride. Eventually, this bird when start lowering due to its being unable to handle your weight, and you'll have to jump on another one.

The explosive turkey can be used to stop Tazz.

There is a 1-Up at the end of the second set of birds that is easy to miss. 

When you see a big brown tree, you'll finally be at the part of the level where you don't have to use birds for platforms. This time, you'll need Tazz to show up near the tree to open a path. Use the explosive turkeys you have to get Tazz to stop somewhere so you can jump over him and get him to run into the trees.

You can go up the trees to find items if you need them.

The big white tree is the one you want Tazz to run into. Stand in front of it and jump over Tazz to get a coconut to fall down. You will want to jump over Tazz so that the coconut that falls down hits Tazz, and you'll want this to happen a couple of times. When you beat Tazz, Bugs Bunny will cross-dress to distract Tazz so that Tazz's wife will drag him away.

Level (Equation Goes Here)

Now you're just being silly, game.

You're in a robot manufacturing plant with conveyor belts and robots that shoot at you with a cannon in their chests. Kick these robots twice to defeat them. They can also throw tanks at you.

Do not jump into the green machine with the yellow and black caution stripes, or you will turn Bugs into a gift-wrapped box and take damage.

There are lifts in this area that will take you where you need to go.

The crushers are instant death, so don't let them hit you.

The tiny tanks can be used to instantly kill any big robot that gets in your way. If it runs into a big robot, it will pick it up only to be shot in the face, killing them in one hit.

The small yellow robots will electrocute you if you touch them. If you kick them, you will still get hurt, so duck down and hit them with your pie attack. The big yellow robots with the cannons can also shock you if you kick or touch them, so hit them with your pies as well. They take three hits to kill compared to green ones' two.

The brown robots can fly, and they can also lay miniature tanks down. Like they yellow robots, they also electrify. If they fly around, be ready to move.

The boss is Wile E. Coyote, who is running a machine that is producing the robots. You must kick the switches on both sides of them to make Wile E. come down. You'll then have to defeat all of the yellow robots that Wile E. has produced to get him to come back up. Having bombs and dynamite sticks to drop from below works wonders. When he starts coming back up, start butt stomping on him as many times as you can.

You'll then have to hit the two switches to the sides and you'll have to keep repeating the process over and over, but Wile E. Coyote will eventually go down. 

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