Saturday, March 9, 2019

newfiebangaa plays Bugs Bunny in Rabbit Rampage - Part 2 of 4

It's time for two more levels of this game...and this game is just all over the place when it comes to what you're doing, where you're going and who you're going to meet.

Level 1.3

If a hole has a groundhog in it, there's nothing inside and you'll be booted out. At least you don't take damage from that.

A pig will be shooting nuts at you with a slingshot at the beginning. As you progress, you'll find out that this level is based on the Three Little Pigs cartoon.

By kicking the wolf with blue overalls at the beginning, you will knock him into the air, but he will float back down. Kick him again to defeat him. He can suck in straw and spit it at you, then make his way to the other side. Get on a branch if that happens.

The thing that looks like two beams of light floating around in a circle is an invisible platform you can stand on. It only appears when you beat a wolf.

The wolf in red overalls will suck in wood instead of straw and blow it at you, then run to the other side. Get on the branch, then wait for him to run to the other side and kick him before getting back on the branch. Repeat until he dies. He takes more hits than the first wolf does, too.

If you go through the wall to the left after the drop past the second wolf, you'll find some hidden items.

The yellow overalls wolf will suck in and blow out bricks. You fight him the same way you did the first and second ones. except he takes more hits than the second guy.

You'll then come across a gingerbread house as well as Witch Hazel. If she hits you with her magic, you'll turn into Michigan J. Frog and be stuck in place for a few seconds. Hansel and Gretel will also be on the roofs of these houses, and the things they drop can damage Bugs.

The hole near the pair of spinning gingerbread men next to the first gingerbread house leads to some hidden items as well as a hidden path to a 1-Up to the left. Going to the right from the drop takes you to more of the level.

There are standard small gingerbread men that can go down in one hit, but there are also large spinning gingerbread men that will move around pretty quickly.

At the bottom of the section where you have to jump to the top to reach the second gingerbread house, jumping into the right-hand wall leads to another 1-Up.

The boss is Yosemite Sam as The Black Knight riding a dragon. Keep him on the screen at all times and jump over him so his lance doesn't hit you. When Sam's nose turns red and he starts to sneeze, get up close and kick him so Bugs' foot hits him right in the nose. You can also jump on the nose. Eventually, the dragon will sneeze, and you will want to jump when that happens so the dragon doesn't slide backwards into you when it does.

Level 2001

You'll be making your way to the right, jumping onto ships and asteroids while fending off Martians and avoiding Marvin the Martian. You'll eventually have to drop down and make your way to the left. Thankfully, there are signs that hint at where you're supposed to go.

The red bombs slowly move back and forth, and they can be dangerous in groups. They also split into four bombs that explode when touched.

Some Martians will have guns; others will not. The ones that don't try to jump on you are easier to defeat.

Marvin the Martian shows up from time to time, but thankfully he is not the level boss; as a matter of fact there is no boss here.

The Mirror will reflect any shots that Martians shoot back at them. The blue lasers will shrink Bugs down in size, but if you send it back at a Martian, it will shrink and you can kick it off the screen for an insta-kill.

The little sphere robots just stay in place. You can butt stomp off them to get somewhere.

The yellow Martian buses have laser turrets on top that can be butt stomped.

Eventually, you'll come across an area where you will have to drop down off a taxi and hopefully not hurt yourself. You'll drop down onto a series of teleporters, and only one one of them - which takes you to Tasmania - will be working. Stand on that teleporter to end the level.

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