Friday, March 1, 2019

SlimKirby plays The Simpsons: Hit and Run - Part 18 of 22

We have one more level to go, but first...several purchases have to be made.

In Level 4, you can buy cars from Gil near the bridge. Krusty's Limo has okay stats, all things considered, but it does have good toughness. The Curator's Car has average stats for everything except handling, which is very good.

The level-unique car in Level 4 is the blue ATV in the trailer park. It's a tad fast and the handling is at least four stars.

Willy sells a tractor for 400 coins in Level 4. The speed and acceleration are average, but the toughness and handling are pretty good.

In Level 5, you can buy cars from Gil across from where you started the first mission. The police car has good speed, acceleration and handling, but the toughness is average. The Cola Truck has abysmal acceleration and handling as well as average speed, but it's as tough as you would expect it to be.

Ralph's race starts near the observatory and encompasses most of the map. You'll be racing against Homer in the old sports car. At least you don't have to worry about running people over in the Squidport.

For Nelson's race, you'll have to drive well. Given that this is Homer in the old lime green sports car and he barely makes any mistakes on this course, you'll have to drive well and see what you can do to take the lead out from under him. If Homer does make a mistake, make sure you don't run into Homer, otherwise you'll be stuck in second place. And if that happens, Homer can still catch up with you easily. 

Beating the three street races gives you the '36 Stutz Bearcat, which has awesome stats all around. Acceleration is average, but speed, toughness and handling are good. They don't make 'em like they used to. Also, money comes out of the back of the car when you drive it.

The Armored Truck has perfect toughness, but lame stats everywhere else. The Chase Sedan has average toughness, but the speed, acceleration and handling are great. Both can be bought from Gil at the Squidport.

The bonus mission is courtesy of Snake. Talk to him, and he tells you that if you clear up a few loose ends for him, he'll be your wheelman. First up, Wiggum is keeping the evidence from Snake's trial in his car, and if you can snatch it from Wiggum, the police will have nothing on Snake.

Bonus Mission: Milking The Pigs

Mission: Help Snake tie up some "loose ends." Destroy Chief Wiggum's car and collect the evidence.

For this one, you'll want a fast, tough. car. Get in your vehicle and chase after Chief Wiggum, and smash his police cruiser. You'll be heading into the Squidport as part of this, so be careful. When you destroy Wiggum's police car, don't forget to grab the evidence. Once that happens, the time stops, you can head back to Snake and do another thing for this mission.

Snake has heard that Fat Tony is paying out big bucks for each milk truck that gets smashed up. From here, drive tot he Bowl-A-Rama. When ou get there, destroy the milk truck that speeds around. The milk truck is pretty tough, but it's not as tough as the armored trucks you've dealt with in past missions. When you destroy it, go back to Snake. You'll complete the mission and unlock Snake's convertible, the Bandit. The speed and handling are awesome, and the acceleration is great, but the toughness is average. Still, this is a nice car for races.

The collector cards for Level 6 are as follows:

Radioactive Man #1: The rare comic book that Bart, Milhouse and Martin fought over.

"Bort" License Plate: The "Bort" license plate from Itchy and Scratchy Land.

Bart T-Shirt: The infamous "I Didn't Do It" shirt.

Australia Boot: The boot that Australia wants to punish Bart with for the collect call that started an international incident.

Itchy and Scratchy Cel: The animation cel of Scratchy's arm that cost $300.

Gabbo Doll: The ventriloquist dummy that got Krusty's show cancelled for a brief time.

Bart's Flying Hamster Science Project: Lisa' stolen hamster from her "Is my brother dumber than a hamster?" experiment.

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