Monday, March 25, 2019

newfiebangaa plays An American Tail: Fievel Goes West (Super NES) - Part 1 of 2

It took three years for this movie to be made into a game. Surprise! It's actually not terrible.

Stage 1-1

You'll start out in New York City. Already, Fievel is in his Wild West gear, even though he probably doesn't wear it until about halfway in.

Left and Right let you move around, while B lets you jump and Y lets you shoot. Holding Up or Down lets you look Up or Down respectively.

In the upper-right hand corner, you'll have - from top to bottom - your current health, the amount of lives you have, the amount of coins you have collected and the amount of time you have left.

Shoot the cat cowboys three times to get rid of them.

The gold $ boxes contain coins and power-ups, such as 1-Ups, small hearts that are life replenishments, big hearts that act as life extensions, and invincibility stars. Collecting 100 coins will give you a 1-Up. Health extensions only last for one stage.

The gold Tiger boxes contain power-ups that are really good, such as 1-Ups.

If you see a Wylie Burp face with a hand pointing below it, it will show you which direction you need to go. Be sure to touch it, too; it acts as a checkpoint.

The blue water balloon changes your pop-gun cork shot to a water shot. Use it to extinguish the fire on the red-hot platforms as well as to defeat the the cat cowboys in one hit. If you find a pop cork, you can shoot more than one projectile at a time.

You can bounce higher on the thicker rope bridges.

At the end of every stage, you'll get a time bonus for every second you have left on the timer.

Stage 1-2

The drainpipes drop down flaming bricks, you can easily extinguish those shots with the water gun. There are also ropes that act as conveyor belts that push you either left or right, and you'll usually be contending with those while dealing with the flaming bricks.

You'll also start seeing your first bottomless pit here. You've seen plenty of moving platforms in Stage 1-1, but having accurate jumps will be essential here.

Stage 1 Boss

The boss here is One-Eye. Shoot him in the head, and watch for bricks falling down at the top of the screen whenever One-Eye jumps. If he gets too close, run under him. He goes down in no time.

Stage 2-1

You'll be in the sewers this time around.

You'll be floating to the right at the start of the level. Duck under the bats flying around in circles and shoot the dogfish as they are leaping out of the water. Thankfully, Fievel can swim in case you have to get in the water. Just keep jumping while in the water. You won't be able to do it for long, as Fievel will eventually get tired. Whether you stay in the boat or not, watch out for the spikes on the ground.

There are three sections for this stage instead of one, so don't get too comfortable when you hear the stage clear music quite yet.

Stage 2-2

Here, the water will be rather low. Use the platforms on the wall as well as the ladders to get around, and try not to fall onto the spikes. If you don't see any platforms again

The brown steel cans can be used not only as platforms, but as a way to move around on the surface of the water.

Stage 2-3

Once again, you'll be using the steel cans to get around in this stage. This stage is more of the same from Stage 2-2.

Stage 2 Boss

The boss here is Puppet, a puppet sheriff dog controlled by Cat R. Waul. Shoot at the puppet and avoid the balls that the puppet shoots out. Puppet will also drop down every so often, so run under him when you can. Thankfully, one of the gold $ boxes will contain an invincibility. Make sure to take advantage of it.

Stage 3-1

You'll now be on a train to the journey west...kinda. You'll be on a pushcart.

Keep moving right to move the pushcart to the right, and keep moving it right to move it to the left.

You'll eventually run into a rock. Jump past it, but be ready to get away from it as it rolls towards you.

There will be cat cowboys that will shoot at you, but if you land on the tracks, you can shoot him down and take their pushcarts for yourself.

Stage 3-2

This stage not only has bottomless pits, but also bridges that break apart when you move across them. Whatever you do, don't stop on the bridges.

Stage 3-3

Now you're on a train.

Once again, you'll be dealing with cat cowboys, but you'll also be dealing with vultures that swoop down at you as well as platforms between train cars that drop down when you put your weight on them.

When crossing the platforms that fall you stand on them, keep jumping. If you just keep walking, you won't be able to make it.

Stage 3 Boss

The boss here is T.R. Chula, a spider cowboy who crawls around a web. You'll not only have the projectile he spits out to worry about, but you'll also have to jump over barrels that roll across the floor. The egg sacs on the spider-web act as platforms, so jump onto one of them to get more shots on T.R. Chula's head. Just remember that you have to have to have T.R. Chula on-screen in order to get him to move anywhere, and that spiders will come out of those egg sacs. At least you can shoot at him when he is at the bottom of the spider web.

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