Friday, July 24, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Aerial Assault (Game Gear) - Part 3 of 4

Round 3 is the hardest round of all, as it introduces a new hazard: floors, walls and ceilings. This one took some effort to make happen.

Round 3-1

For this stage, there will be floors, walls and ceilings. Not surprisingly, there will be floor and ceiling turrets that move back and forth while shooting out green balls that bounce off surfaces three times before disappearing. These projectiles alone make these turret enemies the absolute worst in the game. It should also not be surprising that the entire third stage is the only stage in the game with walls, floors and ceilings whatsoever.

The orange mines can be destroyed easily, as can the tiles moving forward, the bouncing things that look like miniature staplers and the robots that walk forwards on the ground.

When you see the glowing red fence in the background, you're close to the end.

Round 3-2

The spaces here are even more confined, and this time around, you also have walls. If you have the five-way shot, keep on firing and make it so that you can take out a turret before it shows up on-screen and shoots a ball at you. If you have anything less than that for your gun, you're going to be doing a lot of dodging. Make sure you have a barrier to absorb some shots, too. There will be two opportunities to get one near the end.

When you see the square walls in the center of the corridor, take the low road to avoid beng shot at.

To beat the boss, stay above the ship and shoot down the turret first. Once that's down, stay above the ship and the lasers to take the boss down.

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