Saturday, July 11, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terranigma - Part 42 of 50

In this episode, we head to Mosque and finally learn about Beruga.


Freedom is now a bigger city than before.

Bell's office is now in a building in the upper-right corner of town. Bell will tell you he's getting orders for phones from all over, and that he feels fulfilled. He admits that maybe people can't go on any more without hearing other people. Upstairs, you'll meet Bell's new girlfriend, who remained close - wait for it - through the telephone. Bell has rebounded! Take that, Amanda! If you talk to Bell again after this, he'll just tell you it's a relationship conducted over the phone.

The door to the left of Bell's is Eddy's. You'll find out from the people on the first floor that he's studying other subjects. If you go upstairs and talk to Eddy, he'll tell you that he worries about how much light from electricity has changed lives and how it's changed human interaction (or something like that).

To the left of Eddy's is Kidsgart. Believe it or not, if you talk to the woman nearby, she'll tell you that the kids of Kidsgart are honest and adorable, which is a change of heart from how she felt about them before. If you go in, you'll find out that there's more to Kidsgart now, such as a shelf full of books, a television and even some respect, as the people of the town now like them after Will invented the airplane. One of the kids will tell you that Perel enjoys being with you so much that he has decided to follow you. Looks like we have one more ally. The room in the back is a bedroom, and an adult is there tending to the bedroom alongside being a teacher.

The lottery has a new item: the X-Spear. If you can somehow get your hands on it, it's a pretty good weapon: despite being weaker, it raises your luck as well as your critical hit rate.

The rest of the houses are just villagers, and they don't really say anything different from before the second expansion. Also, the Tourism building is across the street from the southern entrance.

Our next stop is Mosque. To get there, you'll need the airplane. You'll want to go to Taklama, which is in the center of Asia, and land on the runway there. To the north is Mosque, which is a reference to Moscow.


It's the Soviet Union all over again. Everyone here is dressed in white robes with red sashes. It's like they're Ku Klux Klan members in more royal regalia...and if I'm saying that, then you know something's up with this town.

In the center, you'll be told to head to the Disciples' Quarters to learn more about Beruga. You'll also see a shrine to Beruga himself. Everybody worships this guy like he's a god.

To the west of the shrine is a Domicile. If you talk to the guy in the room, he'll ask if you seek Beruga's word. Say yes, and he'll tell you to enter the back room to be educated by a disciple. One of the disciples will tell you that Beruga is in a castle in the lake to the south.

From there, take a seat between the two disciples in the front. You'll learn that Beruga won a Nobel Prize for his biotechnology and perfected DNA engineering to cure diseases. He is now dedicating himself to achieving the secrets of human immortality so people can live forever. You'll then be told that humans shun silence and fear the dark for they are afraid of death, that dying and being incarnated brings unimaginable pain, and that when human immortality is achieved, change will cease and there will be peace forever in what will be Beruga's utopia. You'll then learn that Beruga is in cryogenic sleep and will soon awaken.

The house in the lower-left corner houses a woman and child. You'll learn that the guys in the white robes are the White Disciples. They serve directly under Beruga, and the position is considered a great honor. Not surprisingly, the woman and child have been fed propaganda.

The inn is in the lower-right corner of the town. You'll learn that the Red Armor will increase your strength here.

In the upper-right corer is what appears to be an empty house, but if you enter the door to the north, you'll find Magirock #83 in plain sight. To the left of that house, you'll learn that Beruga is waiting quietly in the castle he built himself, and when he comes out, he will supposedly save his believers. The woman in the bed says she does not fear death, as she believes Beruga will defeat death.

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