Sunday, July 26, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Gex: Enter The Gecko - Part 1 of 25

Gex is back...and this time, he's in 3-D and the action is wackier than last time.

Remember when I did the timestamps waaaaaaay back when I did the original Turok trilogy? Yeah, I'm resorting to those again.

0:40 - Here's the intro.

4:01 - Here's the (default) controls. Tail Whip is Square, Jump is X and Eat Bug is Circle. The Control Pad obviously lets you move around. I'll be sticking to these.

The Media Dimension

4:57 - As soon as we start the game, there are three types of camera. There is Semi-automatic, which allows the game to move the camera to the best angle at times; there is Automatic, which gives full camera control to the game; and there is Manual, which gives you total control of the camera. I eventually end up switching to Manual.

5:34 - By tail-whipping the diamonds with the question marks in them, you'll get gameplay hints. L1 and R1 allow you to rotate the camera.

5:48 - Well, that's obvious.

6:03 - In case you want to change cameras, you can pause the game and use Left and Right on the Control Pad to select between the three aforementioned choices. Like in Super Mario 64, you must be at a complete stop when you pause to do it.

6:27 - Holding the Triangle button allows you to go into first-person mode. While holding the button down, use the Control Pad to look around. Let go of Triangle to get out of first-person mode.

6:40 - Holding L2 or R2 and jumping while in motion allows you to perform a flying karate kick that doubles as a long jump. Remember this well and remember this now, because you're going to need it to get through the game.

7:06 - It's time to handle our first level, Out Of Toon. To enter a level, just jump onto the green button in front of a TV.

When we head over there, we'll get a choice of three red remotes. By selecting a remote, we get a short cutscene of where we have to go to get the remote. Pay attention to it so you don't forget. Even if you pick a remote, you are free to get the other two at any time if you wish.

The first one I pick is "Whack Five Purple Mushrooms," since it's the easiest of the three.

Out Of Toon

7:43 - The first purple mushroom is behind you at the start; don't miss it. Just tail bounce on it to get credit for it. To tail bounce, press and hold X while in mid-air to do a tail bounce. This will allow you to defeat enemies and also bounce to some platforms. Keep pressing X with the proper timing to keep tail bouncing.

7:59 - The collectible tokens for each stage. There are three tiers of collectibles, and they are all different depending on which genre of entertainment your current stage happens to be in. When you collect 30 of the first tier, you'll get an extra life and go to the second tier; when you collect 40 of the second tier, you'll get an extra life and go to the third tier; when you collect 50 of the third tier, you'll get an extra life and a hidden (silver) remote. You'll need remotes to enter stages and clear the game. If you collect another multiple of 50 tokens of the third tier, you'll keep getting extra lives. The tiers for the cartoon stages are carrots, spinach cans and dynamite plungers.

8:18 - The second purple mushroom.

8:55 - Watch out here, the wall with the outline of the cartoon character on it will push you off the edge.

9:09 - Watch out in the areas with the checkerboard pattern on the ground; falling objects will hit you if you do not stay on the move.

You have four hit points, and if you lose all of them, you'll lose a life. Look for a monitor with a green background and a fly on it to recover lost hit points.

9:28 - Attack enemies for tokens. The bee just flies around.

9:33 - This yellow thing with eyes and a mouth gives you tokens if you tail bounce on it. Also, check the thin trees for tokens.

10:01 - The rainbows act as platforms, in case that isn't obvious. Also, the piranhas can hurt you if you touch them; thankfully, hitting them nets you tokens.

10:25 - The third purple mushroom. Also, the yellow flowers can be stunned temporarily. The red mushrooms give tokens when tail bounced.

10:57 - The fourth purple mushroom.

11:20 - Believe it or not, this snowy area is where you can find a hidden silver remote. After sliding around for tokens, you can use the wall that slides in and out to bounce to a platform where the silver remote is.

11:53 - This huge steel beam acts like a see-saw when you move across it. On the other side is the fifth and final purple mushroom. Tail whip the bouncing happy ball to defeat it and get its tokens.

It should be mentioned at this point that Gex can grab onto the edges of platforms with his tongue if he falls just short of reacing the edge of a platform.

12:18 - We finally destroyed all five purple mushrooms, so this television with the button that we saw on the way up is now operational. By jumping on the green button, we also get the remote and passage back to the Media Dimension.

12:56 - Here's one of the monitors I mentioned earlier. This one is a green background with a fly on it. If you whack the monitor with a tail whip or tail bounce, the fly will come out. You can eat it to replace one hit point, but you can also approach it to have it fly around and act as a shield if you want.

13:25 - This carrot patch is a good source of tokens, which is good, since we want the hidden red remote. Tokens can phase through the walls, though, so be careful.

13:54 - Hit the stop sign multiple times for tokens.

14:31 - By activating the purple mushrooms remote, this platform now goes up and down. This will allow us easier access to the "hunter and wabbit" section, where we can get another of the red remotes. Just jump ito the hole, and you'll appear in the section wearing a pink rabbit suit. Attack the mailbox for tokens.

15:15 - The purple TV with a fly on it. This gives you an extra life if you eat the fly.

15:44 - Time to grab that red remote we worked hard for earlier. When we do this, we'll get a results screen which tells us about everything we've collected so far before going back to the Media Dimension. From there, you can save your game, see your stats and also see your password if you're not saving on a memory card.

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