Sunday, July 12, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terranigma - Part 43 of 50

In this entry, we head to Dr. Beruga's lab to find out what this "immortality" thing is all about. Guess what? It ain't good.

I got the X-Spear at the beginning of this video. It raises the probability of critical hits, making it easier to do a ton of damage out of the blue.

Anyway, time to head south of Mosque.

Beruga's lair is to the south, but we're not heading there just yet. Instead, we're heading to a cave to the northeast in the snow. In the cave will be the BlockRod, which changes strength into defense. 

From the cave, head back to Mosque and go south to Dr. Beruga's lab.

Dr. Beruga's Lab

From the start, head to the east. On the next screen, keep going east until you can't anymore, then go south until you see a path to the west. Go there, and flip the switch to turn the lights on. From there, go back to the east and follow the path that you see. Climb underneath the pipes leading north from the machines, then pick up the brown cork-like thing, toss it away, and go into the crawl space it was blocking. This leads to a chest containing the SoulArmr, which you will definitely want to equip as it increases your maximum HP by 40.

Go back through the crawlspace and head east. You'll eventually fight some robots, but if you have the 3 Part Rod equipped, you can take them all out with a dashing attack...just be sure not to let them do one of their own. They will stand there stunned and eventually explode before they die. If you have the Geostaff equipped, you can do a little bit damage to the robots than you can can with the 3 Part Rod.

At the end of the path is another switch. Press it, then head back to the machines. You'll see some chains moving as you make your way back. If you go back to the conveyor belts, you'll see robots working on them.

Go all the way back to the start. Enter the path to the south nearest the entrance. This leads to an elevator. Press the switch to the right and you'll make your way down to the next level.

The next few screens are pretty self-explanatory. You'll eventually come across some tubes with some sort of green liquid in them. To the west of all of them is a crawl space. Go through it, and you'll find another switch. Use your dashing attack to take down the jetpack guys (don't let them shoot you, it hurts), then go to the east, take the doorway to the south and enter the teleporter.

At the other end, go south. Take out the jetpack guys. The blocks here can be pushed out of the way so you won't have to use the teleporter again, if necessary. From there, head west, then north. There are some teleporters. Don't take them, they all lead to dead ends.

Destroy the jetpack guys and head north. There are more jetpack guys. Destroy them all, then press the switch and enter the door at the other end. Push the block out of the way, then destroy the jetpack guys. You're now where you were before you used that first teleporter. Go back through the crawlspace that led you here, then head back to the elevator. You can now go down another level.

At the next level, you'll see giant cubes moving back and forth. The dashing attack does the most damage.

When you enter the bottom level, jump onto the conveyor belt and take the left teleporter. To the south is a treasure chest that contains a DEF Potion. Go back to the teleporter and take the other one. There is one just southeast of the one you came out of; take it.

Follow the path and you'll come across multiple conveyor belts, and take the teleporter at the end. Go north and you'll come across a computer. You won't be able to do anything on it, and Yomi will show up to tell you that the password is in place to shield the data, and will tell you to input "BLOODY MARY." Use the computer again, and Ark will put the password in. This will disengage the elevators and cold sleep device, which basically wakes up Dr. Beruga. After putting in the password, however, Ark will wonder why Yomi would know the password in the first place.

You'll connect to the database, and you have access to two section: Past History and Lab. In Past History, you can learn about the dawn of humankind, cold sleep and Earth's last day. The last one is pretty important, as you'll learn how the world pretty much died: a deadly airborne virus known as Asmodeus struck and decimated the human race. Some were saved by Dr. Beruga's work, but the survivors starved to death.

In the Lab section, you can learn about the lab's objective, vaccines and the facilities. You'll learn that the lab is around for research and development of groundbreaking technology, and robots are exclusively used due to the work being highly hazardous. You'll learn that a vaccine for Asmodeus was created in the lab to stop the plague, and was mostly successful. However, it was only available to a select few.

As for the facilities, you'll learn that the first floor is the robot assembly plant and the basement floors are the bio-lab. There are other basement floors, but they are under construction.

From the computer, jump back into the teleporter to enter it, then head back to the elevator. Take it down, and you'll go all the way to the 99th basement floor. You'll then take on a giant security mech with a chaingun and a hammer.

Take out the boss's three feet first. When the boss jumps into the air, keep running. When it lands, you'll be able to avoid the missiles. From there, you want to stay in front of the center of the robot, and use your dashing attack to destroy all three of the robot's feet. Staying to the left will subject you to a whiplash attack, and staying on the right will subject you to shock waves that travel diagonally. You'll be dealing with these attacks every so often, so stay close to the center of the robot and be ready to make your move when you can.

When you beat the boss, you'll finally enter the 99th basement floor. If you look around before you go north, you'll find some tubes with green liquids containing people who look much like the zombies in Louran. Something sinister is afoot.

When you go north to the final room, you'll see Dr. Beruga come out of cold storage. Beruga thanks you for waking him up, and said he went into cold sleep when the world died and waited until then asks you to follow him. You'll see the tubes with the zombies in them, and Beruga will tell you he created them.

This is what he means by ending death. He's literally creating a zombie world.

Walk toward the zombie Beruga is looking at. Ark will notice that the zombie is sad, and asks if this is really a good idea as the world would fill up immediately if people didn't die. Beruga will say he's taken this into account and declares that only the unnecessary shall die only the necessary shall live.

Approach Beurga. Beruga will summon some orbs and fry Ark. Beruga mentions the Three Laws of Robotics, but says the robots here have one more law governing them: anyone deemed a threat to Beruga must be immediately terminated.

Beruga then says his liege shall soon re-emerge from the underworld, as his liege is the world and knows all its truths. He then decides to witness the world on the verge of "great progress."

In Neotokio, a yellow fog encompasses the city. Everyone flashes weird colors, then disappears. This is Asmodeus wiping out everyone in the town.

You then go to a black screen with Ark. The Elder tells Ark that he has done well to groom the world, and that Beruga will make the world fantastic. He tells Ark his duty is finished and that he shall rest eternally. The liege is the Elder of Crysta. We've been played the fool all along. Ark wonders what he fought for all this time, and wonders if he was really shaping a world like Beruga wanted, and doesn't want to die without knowing.

A voice comes from out of nowhere and says that Ark will not die here, and explains that Ark exists outside the loop of fate, allowing him to change destiny. The voice teleports Ark to its source.


You'll wake up in Lhasa. Meihou will be nearby, and tell you he arrived just as Lord Kumari brought you back. He tells you the star of darkness hsa re-emerged and erased a city from the world without effort. He tells you to ask Lord Kumari to show you the way before the "dark star" consumes the rest of the world.

Head to Lord Kumari's chamber. He'll tell you what Beruga has done, says that Beruga has disrupted the loop of fate by ending death, tells you an old saying: "Starstones laid at the grave at time's end calls the golden child." Meihou journeyed around the world trying to figure out what this meant, but only got fleeting glimpses of the truth: human fate is a fixed loop, and what one seeks is not always found. Kumari then tells Ark is different as he exists outside the loop of fate. He tells you to seek out the Starstones and place them at the grave at time's end in order to realign the disrupted loop of fate.

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