Monday, July 13, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Terranigma - Part 45 of 50

In this entry, we get all the Starstones, then get resurrected in time to go after Beruga.

Head back to Airsrock in Australia and climb up to the top, and talk to the guy you meet there. He will tell you he is watching for the end of the world from here, and asks if you would listen to him. Say "sure." He'll tell you a certain race revered this grand view and vast nature as god, but today, modern societies make a racket about preserving nature. He asks how man thought they were so powerful as to protect gods, and thinks that the beginning of the end started there. As he watched, he paid heed to a voice that spoke to him about an older boy that appears bearing a rod - which is obviously you - to whom the Starstone must be given. He'll give you the fourth Starstone.

From there, head back to Japan and go to Neotokio.


At the beginning of the game, I mention the pub quiz that you could have done earlier in the game in the Japanese version. You can't do it now due to the entire population of Neotokio being wiped out, but it exists, and I mention it in here. The Cutting Room Floor has more information on this and other things hidden deep in the game's code. Winning the quiz nets you a Magirock, but since the Western version doesn't have the quiz, it isn't mentioned here.

Head up the stairs in the northwest corner of town and enter the police station. You'll hear what sounds like a phone ringing in the desk in the corner. Go up to the desk and interact with it. You'll find the Transceiver in the desk drawer, and Ark will take it.

You'll then hear a girl cry for help from the Transceiver. Yomi shows up and tells you that the girl doesn't seem to know how to operate the unit. Yomi will also ask if you hear the sound behind the girl. It's the sound of flowing water, and there is no river in this town. The girl has to be in the sewer...but where is the sewer.

Leave the police station and enter the small building near the stairs. The first lone door with the metal grate right in front of it will now be unlocked. This is the sewers entrance.


The beginning of the sewers is linear, for the most part. You'll be fighting the Slimes again, and you'll also fight some ghosts that not only shoot fireballs at you, but also crumble for a few seconds if you don't kill them right away. There is a door near the beginning of the path, but it's locked. You'll have to find a way to unlock it in order to continue.

For now, go south from this door. Watch out for the enemies with the guns, as they will steal your money if you get too close. You'll eventually find another door at the end of the path. Go inside, and you'll hear the Transceiver noise again. The girl will cry for help again, then scream. Go into the crawl space nearby and open the chest you find to get the Sewer Key.

Head back to the locked door and use the Sewer Key on it. As you make your way to the door, the girl will say that a lion is chasing her. When you open the door, you'll finally meet the girl...and the lion. Take down the spinning guns as you get to the chest with the H. Water, then enter the doorway in the upper-right corner, and you'll enter a very linear maze area that is much like the sewer areas of Dragoon Castle. You'll find a Luck Potion in a chest near the start, as well as the Fauchard off the beaten path. You'll want to equip this, since it's a pretty good weapon at this point.

Believe it or not, the EnbuPike actually does more damage to the floating spinning enemies and the mechanical enemies here.

In the second maze, you'll know you're going the right way when you make it to the upper-left corner of the maze. Don't forget to go right and collect Magirock #86 before you leave.

In the next section, there are three places you can go. Go to the left to find a chest that contains the KingArmr. Go to the right to get Magirock #87. Watch out for the mechs that shoot at you on the paths, as they can get you from a fair distance. The middle path lets you continue on to the dead end when you'll meet the girl and the lion. Head to them, and Ark will confront the lion. Yomi will show up and tell you that the lion is Leim, who has grown up since the last time we saw him. Talk to the girl, and she'll tell you that people just suddenly vanished, and that her parents disappeared right in front of her eyes. She tells you that a strange voice from her pendant talks to her, and that it cheered her up by saying light will shine if I live on. She gives you the pendant, which is the fifth and final Starstone.

You'll hear another message from the transceiver. It's from Freedom's research team. Ark will contact them, telling them where Liam and the girl are.

Leave Neotokio. You're done here.

From Neotokio, you'll have to head to Antarctica aka the S. Pole. There is a desert area surrounded by grass at the southern coast. Thankfully, you can move your ship there and walk into it. This is Dryvale, the edge of the world. Amongst all the tombstones are skulls. Equip the Starstones and use them on the skulls.

When you place them all, a soul appears to the north that sounds exactly like Ark. The soul commends you for coming this far and says it was possible because you are the legendary hero. The soul then changes into a shadow version of Ark and says that he represents the Lightside. He explains that you represent the Darkside. He says people are said to meet someone identical to them once in a lifetime, and that there are two Arks in the internal and external worlds. The re-emergence of Beruga has disturbed the balance, and the world has come to doomsday, which must not exist. He tells you to close your eyes and think deeply about the world, then kills you. This ends Chapter 3.

Chapter 4: Resurrection of the Hero

Inside a house, Princess Elle sits at a table. A baby that looks like Ark is asleep in a bed, and Elle tends to him. The baby looks suspiciously like Ark, and we learn that Princess Elle found the baby crying in a field in Storkolm. She has named the baby Ark due to the baby's resemblance to him. As Elle goes out to look for some food, the other Elle - Elle from Crysta - enters the house and is ordered to kill the baby as this was why she was brought from Crysta to the above world. It appears that Ark was resurrected as a baby. Elle from Crysta takes the baby from the bed before Princess Elle can return, and Princess Elle is shocked to find out that the baby is gone.

Elle from Crysta has brought the baby to an underground chamber, and is ordered to stop hesitating and kill Ark. It is then that the two Elles meet, and we find out that the voice ordering Elle from Crysta to kill Ark was none other than Yomi. Now we know why Yomi knew the password to Dr. Beruga's computer: Yomi was in on it all along, too.

Yomi orders Darkside Elle to kill Lightside Elle. As this happens, Kumari reaches Ark through telepathy and tells him to wake up, as all the living things in the world await his awakening. The great tree Ra also speaks to Ark, telling him the earth is screaming and that he should save the planet. Leim also reaches you through telepathy, and even he knows that the world has gone awry. He asks you to give courage to the world. The Kingbird also speaks to Ark, saying that the sky is crying and the tears are filthy. Kumari then tells you that plants and animals are with you even though you cannot converse with them, and tells you once again that the world awaits your awakening. Ark transforms back into an adult and returns to his normal self, and Ark's resurrection is complete.

Yomi is displeased, and says that he was to kill Ark when he has resurrected Beruga, but he bided his time as he thought he would find the hero. Now that Ark is the hero, nothing will be able to stop "us" when Ark is killed, and the earth will be reborn by the hand of not the Elder, but Dark Gaia, also known as "the Devil" by humans. We finally know who the highest power is in all of this!

Yomi orders Darkside Elle to kill Ark, but Elle refuses and leaves. Head north and talk to Darkside Elle, and she tells you she only wanted to meet you again...but not like this. She tells you she was ordered to kill someone on the surface world endangering Crysta. She had no idea that it was Ark.

Yomi shows up and tries to kill Ark himself, and Ark has no idea why Yomi would turn on him. Yomi finally explains everything: Ark was just a pawn in the Elder and Dark Gaia's scheme to recreate the world in their image. Yomi then says that the Elder's word is absolute, and finally tries to kill Ark. Yomi creates an earthquake that stuns Ark, but Elle rushes up to Yomi, tells Ark to save the surface world, and then sacrifices herself along with Yomi. After saying that she wanted to be with Ark forever, Elle dies along with Yomi as they are both sucked into a portal, killing both of them. Ark wonders if the world would have remained peaceful if he had not opened the box that day, but realizes it doesn't matter even though he wishes for things to be as it once was.

Go back to the other end of the room and talk to Princess Elle. Elle has no idea what to say, but Ark tells her not to worry. Elle says her Darkside clone may be gone, but wonders if she'll ever replace her. You then get to tell her who you really have feelings for, and if you say "Surface Elle," you'll get different dialogue.

Regardless of who you pick, Elle will tell you that the village had an old saying that the hero will visit, create a miracle and defeat the dark foe. Elle realizes that hero is you. She then shows you a box similar to the one you opened in Crysta, which contains the weapons of the Hero and says that Columbus found them on his voyages and hid them to make sure they didn't fall into the wrong hands. This is the secret that King Henri slaughtered the entire village of Storkolm - including Elle's parents - to find and Columbus ended up being tortured. She then tells you that the souls of the villagers became wolves to protect the arms, as only Ark can use them.

Approach the box from , and Yomi will show up...even though he died along with Darkside Elle. Turns out this is the Lightside Yomi, as the Yomi we knew was evil the entire time. Yomi will tell you that it's time to destroy Beruga, and you get the ultimate weapon in the game: the Hero Pike. (The only thing that compares in strength is the Enbu Pike, and that is only if your level is past 35.) You'll also get the Hero Armor, which is the strongest armor in the game.

If you talk to Elle again, she will tell you that she will await your return in this underground chamber, and asks you to come back when you're finished. Go up the steps, and you'll eventually be in the the Lightside equivalent of the Elder's house. Leave the house, and you'll run into a bird with a letter in its beak. Ark will read the letter, which happens to be from Meihou. Meihou is headed to Siberia, and he explains what has recently happened concerning Neotokio. He'll also tell you that some friends have also shown up to help stop Beruga in his new lab tower in the east of Siberia: Fyda, Royd, Perel and Meilin. He asks you to show up and assist.

From there, exit the town of Storkolm and the dark forest. Having a Bone Pin really helps with that.

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