Thursday, January 24, 2019

FreezingInferno plays Castlevania: Dracula X - Part 4 of 5

We've got the good ending, but it's not over yet. An alternate ending will be shown in the next entry!

Stage 7

As soon as you make your way up to the right and go up the stairs, you'll be making your way into the castle while fighting zombies, Bone Pillars and a Bone Dragon. Make your way down after the Bone Dragon, then you'll be taking some moving platforms up while dealing with Spear Knights and Medusa heads.

Midway up, you'll have a choice between left and right. Left leads to a dead end but also gives you candles you can whip for things. The right leads to more power-ups, but if you drop down, you're going to be backtracking for a little while back to the vertical section with all the moving platforms.

Above that left path, you can strike the column to the left multiple times with the whip to find a hidden 1-Up.

All the way to the top to the left is the area above the dead end. Be ready to jump. If you can hit the candle up top, grab the jug on invincibility, land back on the platform and somehow make your way to the left, you can take out the Ax Armor that awaits on the other side.

The candles in the next section give you multiple sub-weapons as well as some big hearts. Get the Ax, you're going to need it.

The next room is Dracula, and the floor is full of columns and instant death pits. The candle all the way to the left contains health-replenishing meat, so save it until you really need it.

There are five platforms in Dracula's room. Standing on the center platform gives you a good way to hit Dracula from afar. If he is on the platform left of center or the far right platform, you can jump up and hit Dracula in the head - his weak point - with the Ax. Be careful on the far left platform; it is too easy to hit the meat candle.

Dracula can spawn right on top of you, but the good news is that he doesn't hurt you by touch until he materializes all the way. Because of that, you can jump away from him and hit him in the head with the whip.

If you hear Dracula laugh, but cannot see him, move to the side so his fireballs don't spawn.

Dracula has two fireball attacks: a three-way shot that can easily be jumped over on a higher platform (or ducked under on a lower one) and two big fireballs that advance somewhat slowly and can be ducked on a lower platform. All the fireballs can easily be destroyed with the sub-weapons (especially the Ax).

When you beat Dracula is his usual vampire form, he will turn into a demon and fly around. Demon Dracula has two moves: firing fireballs diagonally downwards at you and two energy waves that he sends towards both sides of the arena. If you keep throwing axes at him, you can mostly deal with his fireballs and you can easily kill him off, assuming you have enough hearts to do it.

After this, Dracula is done. Carefully jump your way to the center column and let the magic orb come to you. You're done. Dracula will get hit by the sun and turn into a puff of smoke.

Since you've saved Maria and Annette, you'll see both of them in the background of the credits screen.

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