Tuesday, January 29, 2019

Octotiggy plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES) - Part 2 of 10

The adventure continues as Octo and Tiggy explore more of not-so-beautiful downtown Burbank!

WARNING: The placements of the items in this Let's Play are random. While you can get all these items, where and when you will come across will vary. You should be able to get an idea of what you should do, should you be stuck at a certain point, but everything about the placement of the items is random.

All maps by zagato blackfist.

1:17 - The red rat will instantly kill you if you run into it. If you have the cheese in your inventory, you can lay the cheese near it and it will go away.

2:03 - That rat is guarding that rattle very well. Again, you'd better have the cheese, or that rat will kill you for even trying to take the rattle. The rattle is used to lure the red-and-gray snake away from an item.

3:40 - Interact with the gorilla guard with the Password in your inventory to get into the Ink and Paint Club. The "1-800-232-3324" phone number was a hint line with Jessica Rabbit mentioning some hints for the game, but the number has long since went out of commission and now serves a different purpose. You can also talk to Jessica Rabbit, but you need to leave a Rose on the stage in order to get a game hint.

4:55 - It pays to search everything in front of a building too, since you can find the Fish Bone in the trash. These lure the red-and-gray cat away from an item it is guarding.

5:22 - This black dog also guards an item. Unless you have the Meat, stay away from that dog.

6:57 - The crowbar allows you to open up locked doors.

7:07 - The heart will get you hints from a woman in one of the hotels in the game.

8:24 - Octo and Tiggy both learn that the black dog is guarding dynamite, which will be important later.

8:35 - A snake! This thing will also try to kill you.

8:51 - Here is the hotel. There are more than two doors here, and you can find more than one item here.

10:30 - The bomb is used as a weapon.

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