Saturday, January 26, 2019

Rainiac plays The Adventures of Tintin: Prisoners of the Sun - Part 3 of 5

Who knew that standing on the back of a train could be so hazardous?

When Tintin makes it back to the boat, he tells Captain Haddock about what happened on the ship as well as the fact that Professor Calculus is on board the ship. Tintin and The Captain head back to shore.

The next day, Tintin and Captain Haddock follow Calculus' kidnappers to the Indonesian village of Jauga by train. Not surprisingly, the kidnappers sabotage by train by de-coupling the coach from the rest of the train.

Here, you'll be moving back and forth on the train, avoiding hazards next to the train such as signs while also moving to the sides of the train to avoid the suitcase that is sliding around, as it will hurt you if it touches you.

If you see a golden twinkle, that means that a clock that adds time to the stage will pop up. Grab them all; the timer here can be unforgiving.

When you see a tunnel, get back in the train and stay there; otherwise, you will fall off the train, which instantly costs you a life.

After you pass through three tunnels, you're done with this level. Tintin and Snowy climb out of the train and fall into a body of water below.

The next level takes place in a Peruvian village. Head to the left and go all the way into the background. From here, go left up the stairs in the background plane and keep going left. Don't go into the background yet; instead, keep going left. When you reach the next opening into the background, take it.

You'll see a bale of hay at the start. Use these hay bales to get up the hay bale walls. When you see an opening in the background after the dog, don't go for it; instead, leap off the edge of the platform to the right. Enter the background after going all the way to the right.

Tintin will notice a grown man bullying a child and call him out for it. This starts a mini-boss battle. Jump over him after getting him all the way to the left so he can punch you, then let him come towards you again. Press X to dodge his punches so he inadvertently punches the wall. There will be a health replenishment to the far right, should you need it. After he punches the wall four times, he runs away. Tintin then hears a mysterious voice in the bushes who tells you where Professor Calculus is being held. The voice tells you to come to the Bridge of the Inca tomorrow at sunrise.

The next day, Tintin and Captain Haddock head up the voices. They are lead up a hill by Zorrino, who was the voice in the bushes who helped you find Calculus. That night, they camp, but Zorrino is kidnapped, and Tintin and Captain Haddock have to look for him.

Be careful as you make your way down the mountains. The cacti can sap your health if you run into them, as will sharp, jagged rocks. It is also possible to fall from too high a height and lose one of your hit points from fall damage.

If you see a small boulder, jump on it to make it move. These small boulders can get you past spike pits.

If you see guys in ponchos with rifles, stay away from them, as they are instant death. At the first one, there are large rectangle-shaped boulders you can move in order to trap the first guy as well as use as a platform to continue with the level. The ones that are flat on the ground have to be jumped on in order to be moved, and the ones standing up can be pushed by just moving into them.

When you see a huge cactus, duck and crawl under it.

There is a hard-to-reach 1-Up at the bottom. To get it, jump on the small boulder above and let it roll down the hills. It will break the ground above the 1-Up, allowing you to grab it. Thankfully, grabbing a 1-Up will always refill your health, and you may be needing it at this point.

To get past the last poncho guy, run to the right as soon as he moves left past you as you stay on the top road. Jump on the boulder afterwards to stop the poncho guy, then take a massive leap of faith to get to where Zarrino is being held.

You'll then get your third password. Enjoy the gag reel!

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