Friday, January 4, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 10 of 31

Meanwhile, in the desert...

Chapter 3: "The sky is falling!"

When we last left off, Valanice had made her way out of the seemingly endless desert that she ended up in while attempting to follow Rosella. All of a sudden, she came face-to-face with a giant lizard!

At the start of the chapter, take the prickly pear from the inventory and click on the lizard. This will cause the lizard to eat the prickly pear from your hand and go back into the hole in the wall. It won't be bothering you again. Thankfully, you can go back into the desert and get it if you haven't gotten it yet.

From here, continue towards the forest. You'll be in a brand new area. When you arrive, there bridge will be broken and the river will be completely dry. If you click on the flowers on the upper-right corner, Valanice will notice they smell heavenly. You can also interact with the statue nearby to get Valanice to look at it, and you can also do the same with the bridge.

You can try to cross the river, but if you do, you will learn it is very deep mud and Valanice will sink. YOU WILL DIE IF YOU DO THIS.

Heading west from here will take you to a big tree where a stag sleeps. The stag will get up and tell you to turn back, as the woods have now been cursed and nobody is safe. By talking to the stag, Valanice will start a conversation with it. You will learn that the stag's name is Attus, Lord of the Hunt, and that the tree he is sleeping in front of is his wife Ceres, who has been turned into a tree much like he has been turned into a stag. He says only a noble from the high court of Etheria could be able to do it, but it is unthinkable. Before Valanice leave, he tells her about the woods of the unfriendly, hungry were-folk to the west, and advises her not to go there.

If you click on Attus again, he tells you that there may be something to break the spell, and that Feldspar the rock spirit would be able to help you if he were only awake. He also tells you that he becomes more and more like a stag with each passing day and that he is losing his humanity.

If you look at the tree, you will notice that there is a stake jammed into it, causing some sort of sap to stream out. Attus will tell you that the same entity who turned Ceres into a tree also may have done this, and fears that Ceres may die of that wound. If you click on it again, Valanice will try to remove the stake, but fail. Attus will tell you that the stake is the darkest of evil magic, and that he is not sure if anyone can remove it. He also feels that the woods will die if Ceres dies.

To the west is a fork in the road. If you go further west, you will be in the woods of the were-folk, and if you encounter the beast there by trying to go further west, YOU WILL DIE. Go north instead.

There will be a spiderweb with a trapped hummingbird into the distance. To get there, you will have to click on the rocks in the river to get over the mud. There, you will meet a giant red spider who plans on eating the hummingbird and also sounds like Peter Lorre (or Ziggy from Laura Bow: The Dagger of Amon Ra, if you prefer). If you click on the hummingbird, it will tell you the spider's venomous poison is deadly. If you click on the hummingbird again, THE SPIDER WILL BITE YOU AND YOU WILL DIE.

Instead, use the basket on the spider. This will knock the spider off his web, and Valanice will toss the basket in the bushes. Click on the hummingbird, and the hummingbird will be free while the spider web disappears. After offering you help in the future, the hummingbird will leave.

If you go east from here, you will be on the other side of the river. Going east will take you to Feldspar, while going south takes you to the other side of the bridge.

The snoring rock face is Feldspar. Sadly, you won't be able to wake him up yet. Going to the south from Feldspar will also take you to the other end of the river.

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