Thursday, January 24, 2019

FreezingInferno plays Castlevania: Dracula X - Part 5 of 5

And now, those places we didn't go during our hunt for Dracula.

Stage 4'

If you fall down the pit in the room full of columns in Stage 3, you'll end up here. You'll also get the bad ending. Yay!

The mud pits will slow you down, cause you to sink if you stay in it long enough and contain mudmen that will pop out, so watch out. Also, there are plenty of jumping skeletons in the first sections. 

The Stopwatch uses five hearts to use and stops time - and enemy movement - for a brief time. Beware: there are some enemies that it has no effect on. The Item Crash is a clock shield that will damage any enemies unlucky enough to take it on.

In the second section, have the red Ax Armor come to the right and strike it repeatedly when it hits the wall so you don't have to deal with it anymore.

In the third section, don't jump on the rectangular platforms unless you have a death wish, as they will tilt and send you tumbling into the green mud below, which will eat at your health. This makes positioning yourself in such a way as to defeat all the bats essential. To avoid the last bat, jump onto the stairs. The ax won't work unless the bat is flying.

The big red skeleton throws his bone, dashes and swings, then jumps at you. Stay away from both attacks, then stay a bit close to him to stay under it when he jumps. Keep striking the mid-boss whenever possible, and move appropriately.

In the fourth section, you'll be using the mud floor to your favor. To get past the ceiling spikes, sink a little lower than usual so you jump out when Richter is halfway covered in mud. That way, your jump out of the mud isn't as high. You can destroy the rock in the ground to get some wall meat at the end if you need it.

In the fifth section, you'll get a bunch of hearts as well as a dagger. There is a hidden candle with a cross hidden in the ceiling between the entrance and the shorter platform.

You'll then face the boss. The boss is basically a dark magician, who I'm assuming is Shaft, Do not let the orbs touch you or fly around for a while, then will curse you if they touch you. Thankfully, you can strike them to get rid of them. Also, watch out for the skeletons that he can summon.

This boss also has a second form. The tombstones he creates will do some damage, but you can get rid of them. Both forms can easily be taken care of with the ax.

Stage 5

Hey, it's Opus 13!

In the second section, you'll not only see flea men, but also giant bats that drop flea men! If you have the ax, you'll have an easier time clearing the skies even though the bats will drop the flea men pretty fast.

The third section is a vertical climb, except the stationary platforms crumble as you stand on them. You have to be light on your feet to keep on jumping as well as take on the flying enemies that will try to knock you off. Thankfully, the platform at the top does not fall apart.

The fourth section is full of wood panel walls and Spear Knights. Watch out below when you take out the first one, then move forward get the other two to back off. You'll then meet some Sword Knights, but they are easy to take care of if you keep your distance and dodge when they move their swords upwards.

There are a few staircases to the left of the Spear Knights go down and to the left to get the meat. If you go up the stairs, go back down and strike the candle that has re-spawned, you can get the meat again!

Take the stairs going up and to the left after the Sword Knights. You'll have three more Spear Knights to deal with. At least you'll face two out of three on the lower level. At the gap with the fourth Spear Knight, you will have to time ax throws to get rid of the Spear Knight.

In the fifth section, it will be platforming, birds that swoop at you and blue Ax Armors that slow you down. At least the platforms don't break.

The boss here is a werewolf. Stand just to the side of center for a few free hits, then keep your distance. If he ducks, be ready to jump over a slide. If he jumps to the wall, get back when reaches to the jump. If he jumps all the way up in the center, be ready to move around and strike to avoid the pinball attack. When he runs out of health, he turns into a naked man and disappears.

Stage 4

Remember that boss we skipped to head to Stage 5'? Here's how you fight it in case you lost the key and/or did not save Annette.

The boss will be different here if you did not save Annette, Annette (or a girl who looks just like her; I'm assuming it's Annette) gets consumed in some way by a giant skull and gets turned into a succubus. The ax and the cross are pretty good sub-weapons to use here. Just watch out for the eyes when they turn into fireballs; they will home in on you. They can also turn into blue and orange orbs that move around in more or less a straight line. They can also turn blue and shoot lightning downward. Watch out when lightning moves up and down the eyes; that means lightning is about to strike.

If you fail to save Annette and/or Maria, you'll get a different screen at the end where Richter Belmont looks back on the village on horseback.

But hey, you finally beat Dracula X! Congratulations!

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