Tuesday, January 8, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 17 of 31

In this entry, we deal with those dangerous kids and find out where the real King Otar has been held hostage.

Chapter 4 Map (by Richard V. Grant)

Leave Dr. Cadaver's office and head to the kids' house. They will be singing a rhyme: "Whene'er the branch shaped like a snake / is pointed up, for goodness sake / run away! Go and hide! / The Boogeyman will be inside! / Whene'er the branch is pointing down / The Boogeyman has gone to town." This explains that if the branch near The Boogeyman's house is up, The Boogeyman will be inside. (This is how the game expects you to learn about this.) As they repeat it, they will be tossing a rat back and forth. Click on them, and Rosella will talk to them. She will mention the rat, but the kids will not part with the rat. Take the weird pet out of the inventory and click on the kids again, and Rosella will mention the weird pet. The pet will stick its green, pointy-nosed head out of the box once, and the kids will love what they see. They will lower the elevator and tell you to come up with it, laughing to themselves as they do. Put the box on the elevator. IF YOU STEP ON THE ELEVATOR YOURSELF, YOU WILL DIE. As they play with the pet, they will ditch the rat, whom Rosella will take and kiss. It's Iggy!

From here, head back to the grave digger and give him the rat. Thankfully, he will be north of where the kids live. The grave digger will give you a horn, and if you blow it, the grave digger will dig a grave with the grave digging machine that he and Iggy will fire up.

Head back to the kids' house. They will be holding a funeral for a pet in a box. Unfortunately, it is a mock funeral, as the cat is still alive and meowing. The kids will then run away and look for a shovel. Click on the box to free the cat only to find out that the kids sealed it up. This is where the hammer and chisel comes in handy. Use it on the box, and the cat will leap out. It's the black cat that we've seen a few times! The cat will tell you that King Otar is buried in The Boogeyman's home beneath the deadfall, and give you an extra life in return for saving them.

Head to the Boogeyman's house. Check the branch of the tree. If it's down, use the horn by clicking on it in the inventory and then clicking on Rosella. IF YOU USE THE HORN WHILE THE BRANCH IS UP, YOU WILL AWAKEN THE BOOGEYMAN AND YOU WILL DIE. The grave digger will show up in the machine and dig out the deadfall after Rosella hands the horn back, then leave after advising you not to go into the pit that you have just uncovered.

Go down the pit, and you will find a coffin locked with a combination lock and chains. Click on the lock to get a closer look. Click on the skull, the bat and the spider, in that order. This will open the lock, and Rosella will free the real King Otar. Suddenly, Malicia will show up and lock Rosella in the coffin with King Otar. The deadfall will also pull itself back together as well.

King Otar will light up the inside of the coffin as Rosella explains herself. Suddenly, there will be a knocking on the coffin, meaning that you don't have much time to get out of here...

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