Sunday, January 6, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 12 of 31

It's time to find the magic statuette as we search for Rosella.

Near the salesman is the faux shop. If you click on the sign, you will find out that it is indeed a shop that is filled with synthetic, false and unnatural treasures. If you click on the note, you will learn the proprietor is busy un-crating a pack of lies and will ask you to come back soon.

The black bird sitting in the nest in the nearby tree is a mockingbird. If you talk to the mockingbird, he will mock you. Amazingly, the mockingbird has a lot of lines if you keep clicking on him.

Near the salesman is a caged bird. It's Treasure! If you have not talked to Fernando yet, Treasure will not trust you, but if you have, she will, and you'll be able to carry her in your inventory. From there, head back to the china shop and give Treasure (called the China Bird in the inventory) back to Fernando. Fernando will thank you and give you the mask for your efforts, then leave. 

When you leave the china shop, you will see a guard allow two masked guests into the town hall. Now is the time to go in, now that you have the mask. If you don't have the mask on when you click on the door, the guard will turn you away. Put the mask on by clicking on it and then clicking on Valanice, then click on the door. You'll now be able to go in.

You can interact with Archduke Fifi le Yip Yap if you want by clicking on him, and you can also taste the cake if you click on it. You won't be able to talk to anyone else. If you click on the tapestry on the back wall, Valanice will go behind it and take the mask off.

You will soon be surrounded by winding stairs that go in all directions like some sort of M.C. Escher painting. By taking the path to the left and going down at the fork, you will enter the upside down room. There is a drawer on the desk in front of the door, and if you open it, you will find the magic statuette! However, it will fall to the ceiling, because you and everything else except the statuette are upside down. 

You can click on the painting to get Valanice to make a funny comment about the Archduke, and if you click on the mirror, Valanice will laugh.

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