Saturday, January 5, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 11 of 31

In this entry, we step into the wacky anthropomorphic village of Falderal in our search for Rosella.

Head back to where the spider web was and go north. You will come across the giant wall with an even bigger door. When you approach, the peephole on the giant purple door is opened, and asks for Valanice's identity. The guard tells Valanice that he will only let her enter if she brings him the Holy One-Ton Tomato of Antioch. Valanice says there is no such thing, and the guard makes it pretty obvious

Now, you could try to do that - or knock on the big purple door - and go absolutely nowhere, or you could go through the tiny red door next to where the big purple one is. The guard will see you do this and tell you there is a giant rabid chicken on the other side, but Valanice tells him he will take her chances. Valanice will enter, anyway, and the guard says the Archduke will hear of this.

When you enter Falderal, you will meet a poodle in a pink suit. This is Archdude Fifi le Yip Yap, and he tells you that you have no business in Falderal. If you talk to Falderal, he will refuse to listen to you. Use the Golden Comb on the Archduke, and Valanice will cry her eyes out before telling him about Rosella. The Archduke will start crying his eyes out before telling you to "take the faux shop with a grain of salt." He then hopes Valanice finds Rosella, then heads back to Town Hall as Chicken Little shows up screaming that the sky is falling. Fifi tells Valanice to pay Chicken Little no mind.

If you click on the note on the door of Town Hall, you will learn that it is closed and that the Archduke's birthday party and masquerade ball will be taking place there later on.

If you go into the china shop, you will meet a bull in a china shop, who is the proprietor. If you talk to him, you will find out his name is Fernando and that his treasure - a china bird named Treasure - has just suddenly disappeared. If you talk to him again, he says that anybody in town could have taken Treasure. If you talk to him a third time, he says Treasure was taken a few days ago and that Treasure is afraid of anyone but him.

If you click on anything in the display cases, Valanice will note how fragile everything under display. If you click on Treasure's cage, Fernando will tell you that Treasure was taken right under his nose.

There is also a mask here, but you won't be able to get it yet. There is nothing else you can do here.

When you leave the China Shop, Chicken Little will show up again and make a big deal about the sky falling before giving Valanice a hard time. If you talk to Chicken Little, she will start running around again.

To the east are even more stores. You'll see Chicken Little screaming about the sky falling in front of a booth, and someone will try to sell her some glue. Chicken Little asks why nobody listens to her, and the vendor says that she is not getting their attention before trying to sell a shillelagh to hit other people with. Chicken Little runs away after this.

If you talk to this salesman, he will try to sell you the most useless things imaginable, such as a gullibility potion that will make you believe anything. Valanice won't buy anything what he is selling. If you use the golden comb on him, Valanice will ask him about Rosella. He will tell you about Rosella's arranged wedding to King Otar, and tells you that the only way you can get through the woods of the were-folk to the Vulcanix Underground is with his special salve. Believe it or not, this is an item that you will actually want, unlike everything else he has tried to sell you. In order to buy the salve, however, you will have to pay him a magic statuette of a nymph gazing into a pond. To get it, however, you will have to go into the Archduke's room and get it, and that the magic statuette is really a relic of the realm that once belonged to Titania, queen of the faeries, when she was just a child. Valanice is reluctant to take the statuette until this slippery salesman tells her this information, and even then, it may not be true...

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