Saturday, January 12, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 23 of 31


There is nothing else you can do, so it's time to head to the Woods of the Werefolk. At the screen before the woods, use the jackalope fur on the were-beast salve. From there, use the combined fur and salve on Valanice. Valanice will turn into a jackalope and run through the were-beast, forcing all of the were-beast's fur off of its body in the process.

Valanice will then stop in front of Malicia's house. The plant monster will show up, but Lord Attus will teleport in and zap the plant monster out of existence before teleporting back out.


You can click on the window at the front of Malicia's house to get Valanice to talk about the light. Strangely, you could not do that with Rosella.

Going further to the right introduces Valanice to the venus flytraps. Just like with Rosella, you can click on the venus flytraps to talk with them, learn about Malicia, get hit on and nearly get lured into being eaten. ALSO JUST LIKE WITH ROSELLA, IF YOU GO FOR THE FLOWER - SHOULD IT BE THERE - YOU WILL GET EATEN AND YOU WILL DIE. If you use the Golden Comb on the venus flytraps, they will just use it as an excuse to be slightly creepy.

Going through the nearby gate will take you to Ooga Booga, where Valanice will be welcomed by the neighborhood kids, who throw rotten eggs at her. Thankfully, they miss. To the west is Dr. Mort Cadaver's office, and if you knock on the door, he will mention Rosella and they will talk in his office. Click on Dr. Cadaver, and he will tell Valanice about Rosella's time in Ooga Booga. Clicking on him again has Dr. Cadaver telling Valanice that Rosella was getting along well. A third click has Valanice ask about the people of Ooga Booga. A fourth click then ends the conversation, and Dr. Cadaver tells Valanice that he will let her know if he hears anything of Rosella. You won't be able to get back in, as Dr. Cadaver will be making a house call. He places a sign saying he is out, so you won't be able to go back in.

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