Monday, January 14, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 27 of 31

Our journey to meet with Titania and Oberon takes us all over the land of Eldritch. Chapter 5 is the longest chapter in the game as well as the one where you're most likely to get stuck.

Apparently, Lady Mab is from Shakespeare's Romeo and Juliet and is briefly mentioned by Mercutio in that play. No wonder I don't remember her.

From here, click on the coffin. Valanice will lie down, and Dr. Mort Cadaver will place a pink veil over her. The game will then cycle through the color spectrum faster than you can say "Windows Movie Maker," then you will be in the dream world. Nightmares will chase Valanice until she suddenly falls into the ocean. Valanice will then swim to an island (at least you don't have to tell her to do it) and enter some sort of building that looks like a Greek temple. An ice crystal will then roll towards Valanice, and Lady Mab will be seen frozen inside of the crystal. Valanice will then wake up and mention what she has seen to Dr. Mort Cadaver, then leave. After this, the sign will be over Dr. Cadaver's door again, so you won't be able to get back in.

There is a box of spare parts, but all Valanice does is ask about it in case you ever click on it before going to the dream world.

From here, play the fife to return to Etheria. From there, play the harp like you did earlier and touch the orb to talk to the Fates. The Fates will tell you to meet with te lady of the spring, saying she will know what must be done. You'll then be waved away back to Etheria. It looks like you will have to save Lady Ceres, who is still a tree, and you've got some work to do to make that possible.

Take the lower-right rainbow to land back near the maiden statues from earlier.

If, for some reason, you take the upper-left one and head back to the jackalope holes and Eduardo's house, Eduardo will have closed shop due to the volcano and the jackalope will be crying. It appears word about the volcano has spread far and wide.

At the maiden statues, place the ambrosia into the horn of plenty held by the other statue. You will grow sacred fruit out of the horn, and if you click on the fruit, Valanice will take a pomegranate. Take the pomegranate back to Lord Attus. This time, Lord Attus will be playing his flute. If you click on him, Valanice will tell him about Lady Mab. Attus says it is possible that Lady Ceres can help thaw her out if she could only speak, and it is also evident that Attus has given up on reviving Lady Ceres. There is still hope, however: using the pomegranate on the flowing blood will turn the tree back into a woman. It's Lady Ceres!

Attus will embrace Ceres, then tell her that he must do what he must do to stop the volcano, while Ceres says she must do some work of her own to restore the forest. Attus disappears, then Lady Ceres thanks Valanice. Click on her, and she will go straight to work on restoring the forest. Click on her again, and Valanice will tell her about Lady Mab. Lady Ceres will tell you to find a crystal and fill it with pure sunlight to thaw Lady Mab out. Also, you will not be able to take physical objects with you if you go to the dream world while asleep, which means you will have to find a way to go there while awake. Sadly, she does not know how to get there while awake, and asks you to talk to the Fates again.

If you click on Lady Ceres, she will not be able to help you anymore as she will be busy restoring and defending the forest. Funny how Lady Ceres sounds like Valanice.

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