Tuesday, January 15, 2019

dilandau3000 plays King's Quest VII: The Princeless Bride - Part 29 of 31

In this entry, we free Lady Mab and finally meet Oberon and Titania. The endgame is at hand.

Head to the back of Malicia's house, and make sure that the dog is not barking. If you don't hear the dog, go through the hole. (You may have to enter and leave the Woods of the Werefolk in order to get the dog to stop barking.)

When you reach the other side, Valanice will hear Malicia brag about blowing up Etheria and taking the realm of Eldritch with it. After Malicia stops talking, move the cursor towards Valanice so it turns into a arrow pointing downwards, then click to hide. After that, click on the hole when the cursor is an arrow pointing up. You'll eventually hear Malicia talk to her dog again before she and the dog leave. You can now move freely about the house. Click on the crystals on the lamp in the lower-right corner to take a crystal shaft, then go down through the floorboard with the hole in it, leave the back area of the house and use the fife.

If you click on the mirror in Malicia's house, Valanice will wisecrack that nobody has seen Malicia's real face in years.

Back in Etheria, take the lower-right rainbow or the upper-left one to head to the maiden statues or Colin Farwalker's remains, respectively. However you do it, head back to the temple where you got the piece of turquoise. Use the crystal shaft on the sunlight to absorb the sunlight. Congratulations...you can now free Lady Mab.

Use the Tapestry of Dreams on Valanice to head to the land of dreams. Grab the dreamcatcher from the inventory and use it on the nightmare to sic the nightmare you captured on it. Head to the south to head to ocean that Valnice swam through the first time around. Valanice will automatically swim to the temple where she found Lady Mab. Go in and use the crystal shaft with sunlight on the ice crystal to free Lady Mab.

Valanice will tell Lady Mab about what has happened, and Lady Mab will explain that Malicia trapped her in ice so she could destroy the entire realm. She will then tell you to send the winds to find the Oberon and Titania. When Valanice asks how she is supposed to do this, Lady Mab tells her that she must harness the wind Sirocco and ride to the top of the Mountain of Winds, where Lord Levanter will be able to help her. She will hand you a magic bridle, then leave to try to hold back the volcanic explosion. After thanking you from freeing her from her icy prison, she says that she will send Valanice only sweet dreams for the rest of her life.

You will then be back on the path to the dreamweaver's cave. Head to where the cave is, then click on the back of the path when the wand-shaped cursor glows. You'll know you've done it right when Valanice walks closer to where the ambrosia is and says "Hmmm..." Grab the magic bridle from the inventory and use it on the horse-like wind that shows up as soon as it is on-screen. This is Scirocco. Valanice will put the bridle on Scirocco, who strangely stops for her, then ride to the top of the Mountain of Winds.

Interestingly, the same place where you hide to get the bridle on Sirocco will also protect you from that big, bad dark wind spirit who will try to eat you. He won't be able to see you, strangely.

At the top of the Mountain of Winds, that evil wind spirit will show up and knock Valanice off of Sirocco. A female wind spirit - who addresses this guy by the name Borasco - scolds him for trying to eat Valanice (and eating people in general). Borasco says he was just playing around, but the woman, who happens to be his mother, knows better. (Her name is Gharbi, but the game never mentions it.) Another male wind spirit shows up. This is Lord Levanter, King of the Winds. Valanice will explain what is going on, and Lord Levanter will summon the winds. Two winds will show up, one of them Sirocco, and he will tell them to look for Oberon and Titania and bring them back to Etheria. After a while, Oberon and Titania will show up on a white swan chariot. Oberon will notice the volcano, and Titania says it is time to undo what has been done...assuming they can. They take off without Valanice, who does not get the chance to ask about her daughter.

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