Wednesday, November 1, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue - Part 5 of 5

Before you can make it to Shredder...BOSS RUSH! For once, Krang isn't the final boss.

When you rescue Splinter, you'll go from the cell door on the right to the one on the left. Enjoy the typo.

Watch out for the falling stalactites as you continue. You'll want to keep going to the left to get the last card key.

There is one more health extension in the upper-left portion of the map, and you're going to need Leonardo to get it.

The cyborg Foot Soldiers that shoot missiles have one weakness: they can't move. They can jump, but they can't move. 

Gotta love the vertical shaft that spells "TMNT."

Now that you've found all the items, your final mission is to make your way to the final two dots on the map in the upper-left quadrant of the map. These lead to April O'Neil, When you get there, you'l have to fight a boss rush - all four bosses from the game in the order that you fought them - one after the other. You have to do it all in one life, or else you'll have to start over. You cannot go back to get a pizza in case you use one. Same strategies apply. Also, Mega Man II is easier than this.

After facing the four bosses, you'll face Shredder. For once, Krang isn't the final boss!

Shredder will throw a fireball at you that will home in on you, then lob it up and toss it at you. It turns into a pillar of fire that travels in the other direction after it hits the floor. He also leaps forward (where he ducks down before he does so) and a karate kick that he can hit you with from a fair distance away.

He also has a teleport move where he moves around in the air and comes down at you with a jump kick. Just pay attention to where he shows back up and get away from him.

Believe it or not, Shredder has a second form. He now has a move where he floats straight up and throws a fireball that creates several pillars of fire when it hits the round. His invincibility period is also a lot longer.

When you somehow manage to beat Shredder, you'll finally be able to rescue April! You've won!

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