Monday, November 27, 2017

FreezingInferno plays WURM: Journey to the Center of the Earth - Part 5 of 6

Here we are...the final battle...

Act 5: Dual Duel

You have a new weapon: Unit-Omega. This shoots a bi-directional sonic wave that takes out everything behind you and in front of you. Unlike Unit-Rho, this uses quite a lot of fuel everytime you use it, so use it sparingly. Use it on the starfish near the end, otherwise they'll continuously circle around you and make moving around difficult.

The next section is yet another vertical section that looks just like the first two. This one, however, changes in appearance soon after the start. Stay away from the flashing barriers. The brown and blue enemies will come at you fast, so be ready to shoot them down.

In the next section, you'll find the VZR-5...but you'll have to fight it off. Talk to Davis, Diane, Allan and Banda on the first talking phase. Banda will tell you to aim for the drill in the center. When the VZR-5 dives at you, shoot it a few times, then move out of the way. Also, avoid the missiles, but just remember that they arc.

If you go too far to the right and the VZR-5 doesn't show up, go to the left to get it to respawn.

For the rest of the talking phases, keep talking to Banda. You should be able to bring down the VZR-5 and save Locke and Mike, but Icamod escapes to the palace.

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