Wednesday, November 22, 2017

KuuImpact plays Doug's Big Game - Part 4 of 6

Time for another session of this game...

For this mission, Doug finds out Guy's been handing out stories for the school newspaper, and Patti may be with him.

Head to the Bebe Bluff school. Talk to Chalky, and you'll find out Guy's looking for Patty. Head to the far right door and talk to Guy. He wants you to cover the beetball tournament with Chalky. Talk to Chalky again, and you'll find out he threw a Beetball on the roof and knows nothing about the game. Talk to Guy again. You'll find out it's scheduled for next week, and he won't tell you what's going on at all.

This triggers the Quailman Rescue Supersport mini-game. Shoot the two spheres at the bottom of the machine eight times each and avoid the projectiles. When you win, talk to Guy again and he'll tell you she's at the mall. This completes the mission and you'll get a password.

Talk around and you'll get a new mission. Here, you'll find that Mr. Dink has a new toy, and that Patti went to see it. Head to Doug's Block and enter the red house, then talk to Mr. Dink. His new toy will explode, and the Quailman vs. the Salmon mini-game happens.

For this mini-game, avoid the fish that swim to the left until the game ends. Head to a payphone and Skeeter will tell you to head to the Moody School (east in Downtown Bluffington) and talk to Al and Moo. They'll tell you to go back to Mr. Dink's house at Doug's Block. Talk to Dink again. Al and Moo will tell you to go back to the Moody School and get the clamp, which is in the lower-right corner of the room. Go back to Mr. Dink's house one more time. This completes the mission after Mr. Dink says he doesn't know where Patti is.

After talking around, Doug finds out that Skeeter headed to Lucky Duck Park to set up a study session with Patti. Talk to him, and you'll find out that one, Patti isn't here, and two, Doug doesn't have his homework with him. To Doug's house!

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