Tuesday, November 21, 2017

KuuImpact plays Doug's Big Game - Part 3 of 6

We've made it through a heck of a day...and we finally meet Patti!

Kuu skips to the third mission for some weird reason. As for that second, it's the one mission the FAQ that I'm looking at doesn't cover. That's just great. Here's how it goes:

When you go to Downtown Bluffington, you'll be told that there's a sale at Sequin World and that Bebe has went there with Patti. Head to the mall, and talk to Bebe. She'll ask you to deliver party invitations. Use the pay phone at the mall. Skeeter will tell you that Skunky is at Lucky Duck Park. Head there and talk to Skunky. Head back to the house at the park. You'll find Roger. who wants to act like an asshole instead of a normal human being and not take the invitation. This sets up the Quailman vs. Robo-Roger mini-game.

Avoid the fists (which don't home in on you this time) and hit Roger's face with three Quail Eyes. If you need to, press A and B together to switch to Quaildog so you have more ammo. Roger will take the invitation after that. Head down to Swirly's and talk to Bebe. She'll go ahead and have Jenkins deliver Patti's invitation, since you can't find Patti and Bebe considers you unreliable for whatever reason.

After completing three missions, talk around and you'll find out Patti's on Doug's Block. Go there, and talk to Patti to end the game. Depending on how quickly you did, she either hangs out with you or she doesn't.

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