Tuesday, November 21, 2017

KuuImpact plays Doug's Big Game - Part 2 of 6

I want to think the game is based on the TV series from ABC's 1 Saturday Morning...kinda like Mighty Morphin' Power Rangers: The Movie for Super Nintendo.

To go to the Four Leaf Clover mall, press Start to open the map, then choose the Four Leaf Clover Mall. Go all the way to the upper-right corner and enter the arcade. From there, you'll be able to find Fentruck. Talk to him, and he'll agree to help you draw Mr. Bone away from the detention room.

Pull up the map, and head to Bebe Bluff School. Head right and talk to Mr. Bone, who blocks the second door. Since you have talked to Fentruck, you'll be able to go into the detention room and confront Roger. This triggers the Quailman vs. Klotzilla mini-game. Here, all you'll have to do is destroy both sides of the building so that the building falls with your Quail Eye, all while avoiding the fireballs.

When you win, talk to Roger again and you'll get the drawing back. Mission accomplished.

When you complete one of the missions within the game, you'll get a screen with Pork Chop on. It will say one of three things: "Good job," "Not bad" or "Hurry up." This is dependent on how quickly you finish the mini-quests, and the faster you get through them, the better the ending you'll get.

You'll also get a password. Write it down.

Talk to somebody to get a new mission.

For Kuu's second mission, you'll find out Chalky was looking for you in your neighborhood. Go to Doug's Block on the map, and talk to Chalky. You'll found out he accidentally threw Patti's favorite Wacky Wizzer into a yard with a dog. Chalky's allergic to dogs, so you'll have to go get it.

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