Tuesday, October 31, 2017

newfiebangaa plays Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles III: Radical Rescue - Part 4 of 5

We'e got all the Turtles, but we still have some work to do if we want to rescue April.

You've got Donatello, but there's still another card key to be found. You can leap up to the screen that it's on, but you'll have to go around to reach it, as you can't climb up to it with Donatello simply because the game won't let you.

Now that you've got the card key, it's time to head all the way to the top of the map, as you won't be able to explore the rest of the map in any other way.

When you're in the "right half" of the map, you'll notice the game has indeed changed. Some of the wall laser will shoot out homing shots. They linger for a few seconds, but they can still be dangerous.

The lower-right corner of the map leads to Splinter's cell. You'll want to go up from here and head to the right-most part of the map in order to reach Scale Tail.

Scale Tail has four attacks: his tail, a jump attack, a fireball that lands on the ground and creates a huge flame jet and the ability to suck you towards him. Avoid the tail and wait for the small pause when he ducks, as that is his tell for when he's about to jump. Go under him when he jumps, and attack him after he performs the tail whip, which causes the most damage.

Just keep moving away when Scale Tail tries to move you around with his mouth. If he leans forward when he does this, he'll blow you back. If he leans back, he'll suck you towards him. It's easy to figure out and avoid.

When you beat Scale Tail, you'll get another key.

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