Saturday, October 7, 2017

ClementJ64 plays Mega Man 8 - Part 3 of 10

The first half of the game continues as we take down two more Robot Masters!

Grenade Man (continued)

After the dynamite platform maze, you'll have to deal with the hammers again, and this time they're all situated right above bottomless pits. Deal with the enemies, then wait for the hammers to swing towards the background and right out of your way. Once you get the timing of the hammer swings down, this part is pretty easy to get past.

This is the last part of the level before you finally face Grenade Man.

Grenade Man has two kinds of attacks. Besides rushing at you to get to the other side of the room, he'll quickly shoot a couple of grenades at the other side room as well as his own Flash Bomb, which is a bomb with a skull on it. If you hit this bomb with the Thunder Claw, you'll send it back at him. When his own Flash Bomb hits him, Grenade Man will take some serious damage. You can also use it directly on him to deal the most damage of all the weapons, as well.

If he raises his arms, keep looking at the top of the screen and avoid the steel beams that drop down.

When his health is down to 50%, he blows the floor up, leading the both of you to drop down to another chamber underneath. (Thankfully, these bombs don't damage you.) Here, he'll jump around in addition to using his Flash Bomb attack. If you've used the Thunder Claw to deflect every single one of his Flash Bombs back at him, he'll be nearly dead by the time you reach this point.

Beating Grenade Man gives you the Flash Bomb. It's like the one he uses, and it has a rather satisfying series of explosions.

Frost Man

Frost Man is the easiest of the first four to damage with the Mega Buster. I usually start with him.

Aside from the large flying cylinder robots, you'll also see the penguin robots. They'll slide towards you when they stop spinning, and if you shoot at them, you'll push them back. They'll eventually go down after a few regular Mega Buster shots, though.

When you get into the first building, you'll get on an elevator. Fight off the bats, then go right once you reach the top. You'll get on a jet-powered snowboard. Shoot down the enemies when you see them, and when the signs on the upper-right corner tell you to jump or slide, you'd better be ready to do what the game says or else you're a dead man.

After the first robot bunny that ice skates around, jump up and slide to get a Bolt. Drop down after the second of two pairs of fall-away platforms to get another one. After going through the snow, you'll enter the next section.

It's night-time now. There are penguins, but there are also flying whale ships that drop large cylinders of ice down. When they hit the pushing plates of the ice pushing machines, they'll be launched forwards. You'll have to ride on these ice cylinders as it crashes into another to get a Bolt.

Thankfully, you can destroy the flying whale ships, and they don't even put up a fight at all. That's a good thing, since some of the cylinders they drop have penguins encased in them. When those cylinders break, the penguins will be freed and ready to cause their usual havoc.

After climbing up in the next section, you'll deal with robots that fly around and create puffs of smoke that are all sorts of pastel colors. The smoke will impair your vision a bit, but the robots are easily destroyed and don't attack you.

After another elevator, it's another jet-powered snowboard section. It's much shorter, but it's also much faster, so be ready to avoid spike-tipped walls that close on each other and jump over bottomless pits like your life depends on it. Once you reach the end of this section, you'll find some health and weapon pick-ups in the snow before taking on Frost Man, who destroys uncanny-looking ice sculptures of Mega Man before the fight begins to set an example.

Slide underneath Frost Man when he jumps towards you, and hit him with the Flash Bomb. Be sure to stay back so he doesn't hit you with his ice punch. When you hit him with it as he has both arms raised, you'll be able to cancel out his Frost Wave attack (which can freeze you if it connects) and send him backwards, stunning him as he cowers in fear. Use this as an opportunity to do more damage to him.

Sometimes, he'll cause the ice cylinders at the top of the room to come crashing down, and he'll even send one at you. If you keep using Flash Bomb, though, this rarely happens.

Beating Frost Man gives you the Frost Wave. This attack travels the ground and attacks any enemies in its path with sharp ice crystals.

Tengu Man

The Sega Saturn version has different music than what the PlayStation 1 version uses. That's too bad, because Mega Man Anniversary Collection uses the PS1 version and not the Saturn version...and the Saturn version's music for this stage is better.

When you start the stage, you'll be slowly blown to the right. This is a very windy area.

The flying whale ships make a return appearance here, and this time they drop a steady stream of Mettaurs here. You can easily have 15 or so Mettaurs on the screen, tops...and there's no slowdown because of it! Way to go, Capcom!

The flying tengu birds that fly in groups of four can easily be shot down with a fully-charged Mega Buster shot.

When you approach bottomless pits, you'll see purple platforms come up from below and save you from a fall. Use these and continue on.

When you get close to the end of the first section, there will be four purple platforms. Quickly jump off the right edge of the third one before it drops back down after its quick ascent and you'll be able to get a Bolt.

When you enter the first building, jump into the machine below. You'll be enveloped into a bubble. As you float to the top, avoid the spikes that are flying around in the air. If you hit one, you'll start back at the bottom. Tap Left and Right on the Control Pad to speed up and slow down when necessary for best results, as getting around is much easier that way.

The mask robots that fly back and forth can only be hit from behind. Yep, yet another enemy type holdover from previous games.

You'll soon be riding on Rush Jet, which isn't a selectable Rush ability in this game for once. Use the Control Pad to fly around in eight directions. This is a shooter section, and you'll be doing this for a little while to take down a whole bunch of enemies.

The big prize balls will give you squares that switch between Rush, Eddie, Beat and Auto. If you grab it when it shows Rush, you'll get a three-way shot from Rush to complement your weapon. If you get Eddie, hell be able to drop bombs. If you get Beat, he'll be able to run into enemies and destroy them for you. If you get Auto, he'll fly around with you, firing rockets at the enemies for extra fire-power. These three power-ups can be used simultaneously and only fire when you either press the fire button for rapid fire or charge the Mega Buster.

Shoot the dragon robots in the head to get rid of them as quickly as powerful.

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