Friday, April 28, 2017

HCBailly plays Final Fantasy III - Part 4 of 44

We head to Castle Sasoon only to find they have the same ghost problem as Kazus...

While you're at the bar, you can through the wall between the castles and U-turn your way to another Potion, which can be found on the shelf behind the counter.

Behind the inn is another house. Go ahead and enter.

One of the pots in the corner contains another Potion, which you can never have enough of. There is a secret room hidden in the west wall, but it serves no purpose.

There is a hidden passage in the forest next to the House of Healing. One end of this path has a Staff for your Wizards, but if you keep going north, you'll find a Mithril Helmet and Zeus' Rage. Zeus' Rage allows you to cast Bolt 2 in battle.

Now that you know about Cid's airship, leave town and enter the desert west of Kazus. You'll enter the airship. Press the A button at the steering wheel and you'll be able to fly...but not very far. You won't be able to go over the mountains.

To the west is Sasoon Castle. It's the only place you haven't been to that you can go to at this point.

If the sinister music isn't an obvious enough hint, the soldier you'll meet near the entrance to the interior will be. He was away on a mission, so he's the only person in the castle not to be turned into a ghost by Jinn. This Jinn guy must be one good troublemaker. If only he had the Mithril Ring...

Go ahead and keep going up to the throne room.

Head down to the throne room and talk to the people there. You'll learn about the Wight Slayer in the left tower, which is a holy sword that can smite the undead...but only a Red Wizard can wield it. You'll also learn that all the monsters in the Cave of the Seal are undead, and you can attack them with Cure.

Talk to the King (the one sitting on the throne) and you'll find out that Jinn is located in the Cave of the Seal. Once again, you'll need the Mithril Ring to reseal him. He'll tell you that his daughter Sara does indeed have a Mithril Ring sent to her from Kazus...but nobody can find her! This is getting more complicated by the minute!

The King will also tell you that there is a hidden door in the cave, and that the skeletons are the clue.

When you go back down, you may notice that some walls have a dark upper-left corner. These are walls that you can walk through to access hidden areas. Be sure to look around, as you'll be able to find a hidden room that allows you to get 2000 Gil, as well as access to the castle basement.

To the right of the stairs leading to the throne room is a hidden passage. Enter the north wall to the right of them and you'll enter a hidden passage that the map does not even show. (At least the video does.) This leads to a room with a chest containing Tonfa. If you have a Monk in your party to go with the Nunchuks you got earlier, go ahead and equip both the Tonfa and Nunchaku on him to bring his attack up. Also, you can use the lower-left corner of the room to exit the room by going south through the wall.

The left side of the second level contains both a Leather Shield and the Ice spell. Ice will come in handy later on, so it's good to have it now.

The tower to the right leads to some bows, arrows, a Potion and a bed that you can sleep in for free. Nice. The bow and Holy Arrows will be good against undead enemies.

Be careful in the left tower, as there are undead enemies like DeadEyes that can't wait to beat you down and Blind you. You did check the right tower first, right?

The RedWisps may look like menacing Fire elemental enemies, but they're not. You can finish them off like any other weak undead enemy.

You'l find more arrows in this tower. Keep in mind that you can only equip twenty arrows at a time.

The chest at the top of the tower contains the Wight Slayer (W.Slayer), but a monster appears. Prepare to fight the Griffin.

If you have a Red Wizard in your party, you can actually equip the W.Slayer on him automatically. Believe it or not, this is a glitch in the game's programming, and it wouldn't be corrected until Final Fantasy IV. Of course, it won't be of much use against the Griffin. Still, you can use what other weapons and magic you do have and hit it with everything you've got to destroy it.

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