Monday, April 3, 2017

Doctor Disastrous plays Vice: Project Doom - Part 2 of 5

We start running through South Central America here, and find out that the enemies are totally something else.

Stage 4

You're now running through a TV studio of some sort. Most of the enemies from the last stage here, but you also have green guys ducking down and shooting at you. If you can't reach them safely with the laser whip, throw a grenade. They won't give you any more trouble after that.

When you climb down the ladder at the end, you'll see a brand new section: the shooting section. Here, you'll be watching the screen scroll in a first-person view, and you'll be able to shoot the gun with B and throw grenades with A. You can press Select to switch the two buttons around if you wish.

Here, you'll be shooting down ninjas while trying to shoot down the bombs and attacks that they toss at you. You can shoot down windows for more points if you need them. The yellow ninjas will always be in front of you, and you'll want to take them down as they'll attack if you give them more than a couple of seconds of screen time. The green ninjas will either leap at you or throw bombs.

To collect items, simply move the cross-hairs over them to pick them up.

Stage 5

Finally, we're in South Central America, as opposed to South Central where you shouldn't be a menace while drinking your juice in the hood. Yeah, I went there. Do something.

In this stage, you'll be fighting pink tribal men in masks as well as ninjas. Lots and lots of ninjas. Whether they're running at you, leaping from the bottom of the screen to throw shurikens or crawling on ceilings, they're everywhere and they're a pain.

You'll also be dogged by birds of prey as you progress through the stage. Unlike the Ninja Gaiden birds, though, these birds move from side to side while still going come at you as opposed to homing straight in.

The blocks that block your path can be easily destroyed with the laser whip. If they're below, just crouch down and strike, and you'll be able to get rid of them.

You'll soon be jumping from log to log on a raging waterfall. If you can't reach the next log, just wait at the side.

You'll soon enter the second section, which takes place in the Central American jungle. You'll be dealing with a lot of fish that leap in and out of the water and shoot out fireballs. Combined with the bird, this can make jumping from one narrow platform to another rather nasty.

You can destroy the vines that block your path, but you'd better hurry as they'll regenerate in a matter of seconds and can damage you if they come back on top of you.

The blue guys with the guns can move up to you before getting in position and shooting at you. Duck the fireballs, then whack them.

The boss here is some sort of tank. Hit the blue orb at the top with the laser whip and avoid the missiles. If the tank stops, duck! The tank will shoot three blue fireballs that you will definitely want to avoid.

Stage 6

The guys with guns are back, and in greater numbers.

Yes, the fan blades at the ceiling will hurt you. So will the ones on the ground, some of which are situated below...conveyor belt ladders? Yes, we have ladders that move you around, leaving you to look at them to see which direction they'll take and causing you to fine tune yourself before you jump to wherever it is you want to go.

The second section is red, and the colors are reminiscent of the NES Batman game. There are some pipes that will shoot damaging smoke out, but they're not directly in your way and as a result don't seem to pose much of a threat.

Some of the gun guys will shoot slightly upwards at you, shooting out some sort of mortar shots that come down almost immediately after they're discharged.

The boss here is a flying robot, and the easiest boss in the game by far. As soon as the battle starts, don't even move and just keep pressing the B button to repeatedly strike the laser whip. This also takes out the missiles, and while some missiles will hit you, the boss will go down long before you do.

After the battle, Hart will find out the robot is none other than Reese, who has been converted into a cyborg by BEDA Corporation. He tells you that he found the source of the Gel, and that someone is running around masquerading as Hart. An unknown assailant kills Reese, whose last words are that they've got "the girl." Has Christy been kidnapped?

You then get a computer chip, which seems to have some sort of connection to what's going on, even though it doesn't seem that way at first...

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