Sunday, November 8, 2015

newfiebangaa plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 4 of 4

Prior to doing this entry, I listened to The Pleasure Seekers by The System. Why am I mentioning this? It just mirrors the whole mood of the game entirely for IRL music. Just sayin'.

Zone H

The pit is now sewer water.

Also, the bears and the aliens from Zone B come back in this section. Also, enjoy not having to fight a boss.

The fans in Zone I can blow you away.

Zone I

This zone takes place in an office. Love the Mick Foley reference he makes, by the way.

The beetles from Zone E return and hide in the coffee cups this time.

To beat the pelicans, throw the crates at them so that they don't hit their mouths. Otherwise, they'll spit the crate back at you. If they hit you, you won't take damage, but you will be stunned.

As mentioned before, the fans will blow you away. Keep running toward them, jump to the top of the fans and keep going and you'll get past that blast of air.

The thumbtacks are obviously spikes.

After Monty opens the way for you, you'll be dealing with more Mechanical Rats and Bees! Yes, the bees are back, and you'll definitely have to take them on this time. Just carry a crate and prepare to duck into it.

The boss here is a caterpillar. Throw the ball at it, and prepare to dodge its segments when they fall down. The segments always come down when the boss reaches the center of the screen, and you can stand between segments to easily avoid them. They'll then bounce to the center before going back up to the boss. Once you get how the segments move, dodging them will be easy.

Zone J

The music here is really good. Sounds like leftover Mega Man OST material.

The conveyor belts, unlike other platforms, do not allow you to jump down a level with Down and A.

The rhino quarterbacks come back in greater numbers at the beginning of the zone. And with very few crates to arm yourself with, you'll have to jump over them.

New enemy here: weasels with plunger crossbows. These guys take two hits to kill.

To keep from taking damage from the axes, make your move when they're moving away from you.

The mobster lizards throw their hats at you, kinda like Odd Job.

Throw crates at the switches to turn off the axe blades that block your path.

The boss here is Fat Cat. Avoid the ashes from his Cuban cigar, which tend to track you. There's a good amount of space to move around in between ash projectiles, thankfully. Just throw the ball up at his face five times and you've completed this awesome game.

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