Tuesday, November 3, 2015

Shawn Holbrook plays Gun-Nac - Part 2 of 4

Today's in-flight double feature: It Came From The Deep and Revenge of the Paper.

Area 3

Here at the water planet, you'll be attacked by umbrellas, gold coins and fish. Battleships will also aim their cannons straight at you, and they're ripe for power-ups and money bags.

The mini-boss here is a mermaid that throws whirlwinds at you. Once you destroy both of her arms, they'll start coming straight out of her. A fully-powered Homing Crescent or several bombs will finish her off.

The boss is an octopus with an eight-way shot. Avoid its shots as it moves around, and watch where the tentacles come out, as that where they'll fire at you from. If you can destroy some of the tentacles, it makes the second half of its attack easier.

Area 4

In this area, you'll be attacked by wood, acorns, branches, trees and rolls of toilet paper.

The blue acorns release a whole circle of bullets if you don't destroy them fast enough...which is almost impossible. Thankfully, you can shoot some of the bullets down to give yourself an easier time at avoiding them.

The mini boss here is a giant acorn that shoots acorns at you. Once again, move around to avoid both the acorns and the smaller nut bombs.

The boss here is some sort of wood god. The Homing Crescents combined with the Water Bombs will put this guy out of commission really quickly, and can even destroy his extending arms at times.

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