Saturday, November 7, 2015

newfiebangaa plays Chip 'n Dale Rescue Rangers - Part 3 of 4

We make it to Fat Cat's Casino, but our adventure isn't over yet by a long shot!

Zone E

The green stag beetles can actually be hit with a crate, believe it or not.

The boss here is some sort of catfish. Avoid the lightning bolts that it shoots out as you throw the ball straight up at it.

The pipes in Zone F change size.

Zone F

I'm guessing this is a sewer.

You'll be waiting for the iron balls to drop down in the first part of the first section and dodging them in the second part.

The second section is the one that has the pipes that grow and shrink. Do yourself a favor: don't grab any of the crates in this section in case you have to wait, so you won't fall into a bottomless pit. There are power-ups in them, but they're completely unnecessary as there is no boss in this zone.

Zone G

Finally! We're in Fat Cat's Casino!

There are only two instances where the lizard mobsters jump: when they show up on screen and when there are crates or steel boxes in their way. Other than that, they're extremely easy to defeat.

The rhino quarterback run straight through the crates and knock them away, but they're unusually slow for football players and go down in a single hit.

The box just before the boss contains a 1-Up.

The boss is some gambler cat. Nope, you don't get to fight Fat Cat yet. Avoid the coins he throws (as well as the two spikes on the floor) and throw the ball up in the air at him. Be sure to move around a bit so some of his coins will miss, giving you an extra second to aim.

When you beat this zone, you'll rescue Gadget and take a rocket ship to the last three zones of the game.

Zone H

Finally, a real sewer.

The crabs (which are strangely reminiscent of the crabs from Green Hill Zone in Sonic The Hedgehog) just move back and forth and stop every other second to spit bubbles into the air that have next to no range. That's it. They go down in a single hit.

The flying squirrel ninjas come back with a vengeance in the vertical part of the first section, so be ready to carry a crate and duck into it when one comes dangerously close.

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