Sunday, November 23, 2014

PrinceWatercress plays Felix The Cat - Part 4 of 9

In this episode, we see two new types of gameplay that we'll see only once or twice through the entire game. Also, the difficulty goes down just a tad.

Level 4-1

This is far from a tropical vacation, Felix.

The birds take a few steps before stopping to jump. This can be annoying at times, since there's the chance of them jumping right into you when you're trying to avoid them.

Level 4-2

Our first surface swimming level. If you collect a magic heart, your robot will change into a dolphin, and you'll able to throw energy balls.

It should also be noted that if you make it a certain distance through the level before you die, you won't have to repeat very much.

Level 4-3

Welcome to the swimming levels. Here, you start out with a snorkel and a punch glove. If you upgrade your magic, you can get a bubble-spitting turtle before you can finally upgrade to a submarine!

The boss here is Gulpo. He's just like Master Cylinder, except he has two attacks instead of one. The first is the bubbles. Thankfully, they're easy to avoid. The other is the word "BLOB!" traveling towards you twice as fast as the bubbles. He always shoots two bubbles before shooting a BLOB!. The more you hit him, the faster his attacks come. Thankfully, you can fight him the exact same you did Master Cylinder and get away with it.

For 100,000 points and every subsequent 200,000 points, you'll earn a 1-Up.

When you complete World 4, you'll be taunted by the Professor. Again.

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