Wednesday, November 19, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 29 of 32

Now that the seventh instrument has been collected, it's time to go for the eighth and last.

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

When you beat Eagle's Tower, the Flying Rooster returns to the Hen House.

The final photo for the Album is the lone platform with the bush (that has a monster on it) that's east of the hen house. Cross the bridge to get there, and when you make it there, the Photographer will automatically show up.

Go west of the Hen House, and you'll find Marin stranded on a lone area of the broken bridge. Just hookshot to the other side and you'll rescue her. Tarin shows up and then he and Marin walk to the left. (Apparently, I was mistaken. This is the last time you see him.) The Owl shows up and tells you that she sang The Ballad of the Wind Fish in front of the egg. No wonder she was up here in the mountains! He also tells you that the final dungeon is in the west.

Go west again, and you'll find a staircase leading underground underneath the bush. There is a part of the wall in the south end of the screen that you can bomb. Blow it up, then follow the path to find a Heart Piece.

When you make it to the other side, you'll find a lone rock. Pull it out with the Power Bracelet to find yet another underground well. Use the Magic Powder on it to get the ability to carry more arrows!

One screen west, drop down to the south. Bomb the opening in the wall and follow the path to...come across a flamethrower! Since you have the Level 2 shield, you can equip it and use it to get past it. Once you're at the other side, you'll finally be able to make it to the Turtle Rock dungeon. Play the third song to open it up. You'll wake up the turtle head, and it will crane its neck out to try to attack you. Swing at it with your sword as quickly as possible, and it will very easily die. Now you'll finally be able to go in.

Turtle Rock

The flying demons should be killed as quickly as possible, otherwise he'll start moving around the room, spitting fireballs and become even more of a pain in the ass. You'll have to kill the two bats he splits into, and you'll have to do that to get some of the puzzles completed.

The little machines can be controlled with the Control Pad as soon as you walk into them. Use them to get rid of lava and pits.

You won't be able to get to those two lamps quite yet...not unless you have the item for this dungeon.

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