Wednesday, November 12, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 17 of 32

We finally begin tackling the Angler's Tunnel and wonder why the hell somebody would cancel The Pirates of Dark Water before it could run its natural course.

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

Angler's Tunnel

The cracked blocks can be taken care of the same way as you would a crack in a wall: just use a bomb on it to break it. You'll have to do this to get one of the keys.

The Peahats (the little helicopter-like things that look like flowers) can only be struck when they land on the ground for a brief time.

The owl head tells you that the glint of the tile will be your guide. Hmmmm...

You'll see five tiles with a circle in the center. Don't bother with these for now, you'll see what they do later.

The octopus mini-boss is easy to beat. Just hit him with a Whirlwind Slash when he comes your way.

Use the Power Bracelet on the pull switch in the wall to open up the blocks that are in your way.

When you get the Flippers, you'll be able to move around in the dark water without drowning and being returned to where you entered the screen from. This will not only give you access to previously unreachable areas, but it will also open up the World Map quite a bit. You can also use the B button to dive underwater for a few seconds, which lets you swim underneath bridges and whatnot.

South of the room with the Flippers, you'll see those same tiles again, except they're glistening. It's the center one, followed by the upper-right, the lower-right, the lower-left and the upper-left when you step on the ones that glisten. Remember this for the other set of these tiles that you've seen.

The key that fell into the pit can be accessed when you enter the steps that go down. You'll have to have the flippers to actually swim in the water that the key lands in, though.

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