Sunday, November 9, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 11 of 32

We take on more of the Key Cavern and find an old friend (of sorts) from the previous Zelda game!

Overworld maps by Osverad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

Key Cavern

Go into the room to the north first when you go upstairs. You'll find the switch to strike with the sword, which lets you open the chest you just passed up downstairs and get the owl beak.

To beat the birds that throw shurikens at you, hit them before they can throw them at you or hit them with the bow and arrow.

When you take the right door, you'll reach another staircase. From there, go north and place a bomb next to the segment of wall between the two torches. You'll find a hidden room, and you can also go north by blowing up the crack in the wall. (The room to the north of this has an arrow pointing south.)

If you hold your sword out and walk into the wall, you can make a clinking sound. If you make a loud clinking sound on the wall in your present location, you can drop a bomb there and bust a hole in it there, allowing for entry into another room.

The Bob-ombs here act a little differently. Once you strike them, they'll follow you around. If you can keep them away from you, they'll explode without hitting you after they count down from three to one.

The mini-boss here is a pair of worms. You have to either place a bomb in their mouths while they're moving or throw the bombs at their mouths. For best result, get them into a corner and throw the bomb at their mouths. Once you beat them, you'll be able to get the Pegasus Boots. With these, you can use them in combination with the Roc's Feather to jump past long pits and with the sword to break the crystals that are in your way. The Pegasus Boots work in this game the exact same way that they did in A Link to the Past.

Now that you have the Pegasus Boots, use them with the Roc's Feather in the secret room to fly over the pit and get the Nightmare's Key.

Also, you can now go to the room to the right at the beginning and get past the vortex monster that pushes you back. This will net you a much-needed key.

The huge stone that blocks your path in the downstairs chamber can be taken care of with the Pegasus Boots. Just charge into him and he'll come crashing down into the spike pit, acting as a bridge. The room to the right of this has a Piranha Plant. Yet another Mario reference. Just destroy it with your sword.

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