Wednesday, November 5, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 5 of 32

In this entry, Bow Wow gets kidnapped, some guy really wants our picture, and we meet a giant Moblin.

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

When you move away from the Tail Cave, you'll meet the Owl again. He'll tell you about the Full Moon Cello, and how it's one of the Instruments of the Sirens that will wake the Wind Fish when combined with all the other Instruments. He'll then instruct you to go to Goponga Swamp, where the second dungeon is located.

Head back to the village. Two of the quadruplets will tell you, interjections and all, that something has happened to Madame Meow Meow's house. Head there, and you'll find out that Bow Wow has been kidnapped by Moblins. If you use one of the phone booth to call Ulrira, you'll find out that you have to head north to Tal Tal Heights to find Bow Wow.

Since we now have the Roc's Feather, we can jump over the pit and get that Heart Piece we couldn't get before on the path to the Witch's House.

Also, you can now enter the cemetery. Be careful against the ghosts, because their touch can hurt. The Whirlwind Slash will be able to make short work of them. North of the cemetery is some desolate woods. You won't be able to hit the ravens that try to divebomb for you unless you get near them and cause them to fly out of the trees as a result.

If you went north from that Heart Piece with the Roc's feather, you'll take the direct route to the cave where Bow Wow is.

When you go further north from here, you're close to where Bow Wow is being kept. If you go east from here, you'll find out there's a Camera Shop. (This shop only appears in the DX version. If you're playing the original Game Boy release, this shop won't appear at all.) Talk to him, and he'll want to take your picture. Keep saying "no," and he'll push you towards the curtain across from the door. You'll get the "Game Over" picture, and you'll also have your first picture for the album. It'll be an alternate picture for #1 if you do it this way, but it's a nice secret, nonetheless. When you want to look at the album, just stop by the Camera Shop and press A near the book.

You can also print out the pictures if you have a Game Boy Printer, but I'm not sure why you'd want to do it in this day and age, as the Game Boy Printer is no longer supported. Well, at least the Game Boy Camera and Printer were good ideas at the time...

The owl heads that peek out of the ground give you rather deep stuff like "THE WIND FISH IN NAME ONLY, FOR IT IS NEITHER." They'll also give you hints on finding secret items in the immediate area on some screens.

Anyway, head in the cave and take out the Moblins. When you meet that big Moblin, avoid his arrows, and when he charges up for that ram attack, get out of the way so he hits the wall. You can only hit him while he's stunned, so have at it. After a couple of hits, he's history. Use the fairy he leaves behind to heal your wounds, if necessary. You'll be able to enter the next room and get Bow Wow back.

When you head east from the cave, you'll meet the Owl again. You'll now be able to enter the Swamp. If you head back to Madam Meow Meow's house, she'll want you to take Bow Wow for a walk. Talking to Ulrira will reveal that you'll have to take Bow Wow to the swamp, as the indestructible flowers there are Bow Wow's favorite treat.

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