Monday, November 10, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 13 of 32

Apparently, the Color Dungeon is shorter than I thought it would be. However, being an exclusive part of a colorized port of a classic Game Boy game, it has puzzles that keep it from being just a mere novelty where you can get a nice surprise. Read on!

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

Color Dungeon

The questions by the two skeletons are pretty easy.

One of them tells you that if you don't have the Magic Powder, then you'd better go back and get it. The other tells you that the fairy queen is waiting for you.

You can easily take out all the ooze monsters at once with the Whirlwind Slash. Just get them towards you and wait for them to come out of the floor.

South of the room with the first Owl Statue is a room you can enter with a bomb. All the Rupees here are worth 5 each, so prepare to get rich!

The colored tiles change from green to yellow to red to...a bottomless pit. Yikes.

The red, blue and green ball monsters can be stunned with the sword and thrown into their respective color holes with the Power Bracelet.

The jumping skeleton guys actually jump on the colored tiles. For best results, let them formulate their own demise. XD

The red and blue statues with the single eye are a puzzle. Make all the red ones blue. For the first one, hit the ones on the upper-left and lower-right.

For the second one, you'll have red, blue and yellow. Hit the upper-left one twice before hitting the lower-right one.

To beat the blue slime, sprinkle the Magic Powder on him. Use your shield so he won't damage you.

To beat the golem, avoid the rocks and spikes, and use either the bombs or the bow and arrow on him.

For the third eye statue puzzle, just hit all the red ones that you see at the beginning. In compass directions, that's north, west, east, and south. (If you're going by numbers on the number keypad, it's 2, 4, 6, 8.)

TO beat the boss, just let him back you into a wall and keep whacking away at him. The directions are there to trick you somewhat, guys.

You'll meet the fairy queen. The red tunic works like the Piece of Power, and the blue tunic works like the Guardian Acorn. She'll then show you out automatically.


Now that you're out of there, go west and move the grave on the lower-left. This leads to a secret passage. You could get the Heart Piece with the Hookshot later in the game, but if you know what you're doing, you can jump over the pit as soon as you start running with the Pegasus Boots and the Roc's Feather.

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