Tuesday, November 18, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 27 of 32

In this episode, we start exploring the Eagle's Tower, which is probably one of the more interesting dungeons in the game.

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

On the other side of the cave you flew through with the Flying Rooster is the Hen House. Unless you've don't have the Flying Rooster, this guy is basically useless.

Southeast of the henhouse, there's another cabve. Place a bomb near the wall on the lone tile of dirt to find a secret passage that leads to five chests on one screen. They all contain 20 Rupees, so don't expect a Heart Piece here or anything.

If you open one chest, you'll open all five when you leave the screen and come back to it. The reason for this is that every screen with a chest usually has one. If you open the chest, the game will know it. Since the programming for the rooms with chests assumes that there's only one chest there, opening one will open them all when you leave the screen and come back to it. Interestingly, you can easily open all five by leaving through the south without opening any of the chests and going back in.

The chest south of that exit contains another Secret Seashell if you haven't gotten the Level 2 Sword already. The caves will eventually lead you to the Eagle's Tower. Place the Bird Key in the keyhole in the rock and you'll open the door to it.

Eagle's Tower

A lot of enemies and obstacles that you see here are definitely from the last six dungeons.

This is also the only one with individual floors, albeit really small floors.

The mummies don't get knocked back when you hit them with the Sword, so stay on the move as you kill them (or use your Sword Beam if you have the Level 2 Sword).

The orb is used to destroy the pillars in this dungeon. Grab it with the Power Bracelet, take it to a pillar and throw it at the pillar to destroy it. If it falls into a pit for any reason, the orb will reappear where you first found it.

Throwing the two horses so they land right-side up gives you the Map. The three guys with the pips will give you the Compass.

The room on 2F with all the switch blocks that block your way to the chest contains the Mirror Shield. You'll have to either use the Boomerang or hit the switches and move around so that you can get it. This is basically the Level 2 Shield, and it can block energy beams.

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