Saturday, November 15, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 23 of 32

Now that we have the Hook Shot, we can do some more stuff! Don't you just love exploring in this game? I sure do!

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

The green guys that shock you when you hit them with your sword can be stunned with the Hook Shot. From there, you can hit them with the sword without taking any damage.

You'll be able to reach the mermaid statue, thanks to the Hook Shot. Place the Mermaid Scale in the statue to access a secret passage underneath the statue. You'll finally get the Magnifying Lens! Now you'll be able to see the invisible enemies that hounded you in the first room of this cave...and more!

If you go underneath the bridge where you traded the fishing hook, you'll see the Photographer again. Talk to the fisherman and he'll catch him with the fishing rod, unlocking another picture for the Album.

When you get the magnifying glass, go to the seemingly empty house on the far right. Go into the water and you'll meet a Zorah who doesn't want to kill you. You'll get a picture with him for the Album in the GBC version. He'll also tell you that you can find someone like him with the Magnifying Lens in Toronbo Shores.

Believe it or not, there is a cave opening in Toronbo Shores near the shore that you can blow up with a Bomb. Do just that, then go on in. You'll see a friendly Moblin. Equip the Shovel in your B button slot, then trade it for the Boomerang. Finally, you have a Boomerang. You can beat the game without it, but the Boomerang is still pretty cool to have, and it actually kills enemies instead of just stunning them this time around, so why not?

The Hook Shot will also allow you to access the River Rafting game. Go inside, pay the guy 100 Rupees, then equip the Roc's Feather and get on the raft. Jump for items (the raft stops when you jump), and be sure to reach the islands to get more Rupees. The owl head says that you will have to look far for a secret. You'll find out what he's talking about soon enough.

Once you make it to the bottom, you can enter the nearby cave if you want to give it another go. For now, let's explore a little more.

When you reach the island with the two Armos Knights, you'll meet the Owl again. He'll tell you about the two shrines - one to the north and one to the south. You won't be able to enter the one to the north quite yet, so go to the one to the south first. You'll have to brave the Armos Knights maze again, so equip your shield and use it to bump the ones that come alive when you touch them regularly out of the way. This leads to the shrine that basically tells you about...a major game spoiler.

9:49 - Okay, I have to admit, this is hilarious.

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