Tuesday, November 11, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 16 of 32

We explore the desert before looking for the Angler's Tunnel...

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

If you throw a pot while you have Marin with you, she'll scream at you. If you play the Ocarina near her, she'll comment on how bad your ocarina playing is...

Looking in chests and hurting chickens will also give you some strange dialogue...

If you use the shovel near Marin, she'll tell you to dig to the center of the earth.

Also, if you talk to the people in Animal Village with Marin in tow, they'll acknowledge her existence with a good amount of excitement.

Anyway, go up to the walrus and have her sing to it. She'll return back to the Animal Village and you'll be able to continue into the Yarna Desert.

If you use the Magic Powder on one of the skeletons in the desert, they'll tell you to use a bomb where the quicksand swallows you. Hmmmm...

The cacti hurt you if you touch them.

The quicksand area looks a lot better in the GBC version. Beat the sand worm that jumps in and out of the sand with Whirlwind Slashes, and you'll be able to get the Angler Key. Go into the center of this "room" to enter the cave that skeleton was talking to you about. One of the walls can be opened with a bomb. Do just that, and you'll be able to get a Heart Piece!

Go east and leave this room, then head south. Keep going until you reach the rocks on the ground. Lift them up with the Power Bracelet and you'll get a Secret Seashell.

As you head out of the desert, you'll meet the Owl. He'll tell you to head to the key hole at the mountain waterfall. If you've found the teleporters, getting here is easy. The waterfall will disappear and reveal the dungeon when you place the Angler Key in the keyhole.

Let's explore the mountains. We can finally start exploring the mountains near the mountain waterfall. The Power Bracelet will help you make your way to Papahl, and if you got the pineapple from the Animal Village chef, you'll be able to give it to him and get a hibiscus flower. Hand it over to the goat lady at the Animal Village.

To reach the Angler's Tunnel, you'll have to drop down to it from the mountains.

Secret Seashells

18. After you leave the quicksand cave in the Yarna Desert, go south and use the Power Bracelet on the rocks. You'll be able to get a Secret Seashell.

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