Saturday, November 8, 2014

HCBailly plays Link's Awakening DX - Part 9 of 32

We do more stuff! Yay!

Overworld maps by Osrevad. Dungeon maps by Revned.

Along our travels, we find a Slime Keyhole? Yeesh, another key?

South of this, we find a fenced-in area with a house in one corner. When you enter this house, you'll meet Richard. He's the prince and main (friendly) rival in a Japanese-only Nintendo game known as Kaeru no Tame ni Kane wa Naru The frogs in the room are also a reference to him and the game he's from.

Anyway, he'll help you out with getting the key to the dungeon in Ukaku Prarie. To do that, you'll have to head to the castle and find the Five Golden Leaves. The castle is northeast of Richard's Villa. Watch out for those flying mushrooms that toss bombs (I'm guessing that's what they are) as well as spiders that come out of the pits. Thankfully, the flying mushrooms can be defeated by holding out the sword.

If you walk up to the castle gate in the GBC version, you'll get another photo for the Album.

Before we do that, though, let's go just south of the castle. You'll find a strange house in a tree known as Seashell Mansion, and if you go in, you'll find a gauge that fills up as you collect Secret Seashells.

Near the pig-man maze is a mermaid. We won't be able to talk to her just yet, though...

Now that we've gotten some Secret Seashells (see below), let's head back to the castle and go east. We find a monkey. He wants your Bananas. Give them to him, and he'll get his friends build a bridge that will act as a shortcut to the castle before he runs off. They also leave a left-over stick. Grab it, because this is your next trading item.

From there, you'll find a secret staircase in a bush. From there, you'll get behind the castle walls.

Secret Seashells

6. When you collect five Shells, don't collect any more until you enter the Seashell Mansion. You'll get a sixth one. This one is pretty easy to screw up at getting if you're overly eager to explore Koholint Island.

7. Go one screen east of the Seashell Mansion and cut the bushes. You'll find another one.

8. In the pig-man maze just southwest of the Seashell Mansion, lift the rock with the Power Bracelet to get another Secret Seashell.

9. Go into the cave in the pig maze. Go one screen west and use a bomb on the small nook on the west end of the room to find a staircase. Go up and get out of the cave from there, then go north. Use the shovel on the ground where the owl head is to find another Secret Seashell.

10. On the other side of the screen with the mermaid statue is a lone bush. Cut it with the sword to get another Shell.

11. Come back to the Seashell Mansion with exactly ten shells. You'll get another Secret Seashell. Just like the sixth, being too eager to explore the island will cause you to miss out.

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