Monday, July 26, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Bio Menace - Part 36 of 37

The last regular level in the game is the hardest, and if you can get through it, you really know how to play this game.

Circle of Death

The level starts with two circle of those indestructible flying robots around a ladder who will insta-kill you upon contact. Get all the keys, stay away from the flame jets and utilize that gap in the robots to make your way up.

Also, I say "indestructible." Thanks to Dosgamert, I found out that you actually can destroy them, but it takes a fair amount.

Also, there's a bonus level in the ceiling below where you find RoboPal. It's a room with five extra lives. Once again, Dosgamert knows about things being in the most unintuitive of places.

You'll also start seeing clear platforms when you make it up. Go all the way to the right and open all the doors on the way there; you'll get the blue shard. From here, get the stuff around the blue shard go back to those platforms that phase in and out and insert the blue shard. Take out the robot, then go through the barrier you just deactivated, then go up and take out the robots. Leave the health just past the barrier until they take your health down to just one hit, then go back down to get it if necessary.

After the second continue beacon, wait for the platforms to start re-appearing and disappearing. Leap from one platform to the next, and you'll reach the third beacon. The cyan shard will be on the door to the left below where you need to insert it. Get the shard and make your way back to where you need to insert it. Insert the cyan shard to rescue the hostage.

Go back to the beginning and go to the right now that you have the chip from the hostage. Keep going right and take out the THREE giant robots that will try to take you out one at a time. After that, you'll need to watch the floor spikes and the flame jets so you don't get scorched or skewered. It won't be long until the final fight.

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