Wednesday, July 21, 2021

PrinceWatercress plays Bio Menace - Part 26 of 37

Using the coordinates on the electronic chip he recovered from the steel head of the Enforcer on his last mission, Snake jumps in a recon helicopter and sets out for the next lab. "How many labs can there be? How long before I find Cain?" Snake questions to himself. Clearing a nearby mountaintop, the pilot exclaims, "Look! A building! Looks like those coordinates have paid off, Snake. Ready for your next mission?"

Sliding the bolt closed on his pulse rifle and cinching the straps on his utility pack, Snake responds with grim resolve, "Ready as ever! Wish me luck!"

"Luck?", the pilot retorts, "You're not careful enough for luck to be of ANY help to you! Just get in there and kick butt, Logan!"

At that moment, the chopper sets down. "Roger that!" I'm outta here! Save me a cold one back at base." Snake jumps out and starts directly for the fortress ahead. The helicopter lifts off and heads back to base, leaving Snake to whatever fate awaits him.


Welcome to Episode Three. This is the most difficult of them all, and if you can somehow beat this episode, your gaming skills are pretty good.

When you start, keep jumping to the right, as there are mines hidden in the ground and there is no way of knowing where they are. When you reach the building, jump over the mine before the beacon and touch that beacon!

The gray guys carrying the bombs are new enemies, and if they run into you, they will blow themselves up in an attempt to take you with them. If you can, take them out with a grenade from a distance.

This level is hard! There is no health to speak of, there is a fake exit that leads to an instant, radiation-laden death, and the real path to the exit has turrets on the ceiling that fire at one of three random angles which cannot be destroyed. You are forced to run through this just to get to the real exit.

The ladders above the instant-death electric barrier just take you to three doors containing items that give you points. That's it.

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