Saturday, August 29, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja (Game Boy) - Part 4 of 5

We head to the Dust Area to take on Garbageman...and with the first four stages cleared, it's time to take on Lord Contaminous.

First | Previous | End | Longplay

Dust Area

Aside from the guys chasing after you making a return appearance, you'll have guys with cannons on their head. Take the latter out with a charge shot.

After the stairs, continue right so the deluge of dust doesn't kill you, then drop down as much as you can as quickly as you can so the deluge that comes down doesn't kill you either. Don't forget that you can hold Down and press A to drop down from the platforms with the diagonal stripes on them. There is a 1-Up near the end, but unless you're really fast, getting it is not recommended.

Afterwards, make sure not to hit your head on the spiked crushers and to move on from them once they go up high enough.

After a vertical section with some slow-moving robot enemies from the Oil Area, there will be some mechanical claws that will drop trash where you're standing. Stand away from where you want to jump to bait them, then get moving once they get close.

To beat Garbageman, stay all the way to the left at first, and jump up and shoot a charge shot. When he rushes at you, keep holding Left, then turn around and hit him from behind once he stops. When he disappears, stand all the way to the left to avoid the first salvo of fists that come out of the ground, then move two tiles forward (where the first fist came out from) and stand there to avoid the second.

For the bonus area, you'll need to watch the ceiling and hit the cans that come out to knock them into the recycle bin while avoiding the rocks. If you can fill up the gauge all the way to the left, you'll get 10,000 points.

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