Sunday, August 30, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja (Game Boy) - Part 5 of 5

It's now time for the final confrontation with Lord Contaminous!

Lord Contaminous

Aside from the enemies from Dust Zone and the lava pits you'll have to jump over, you'll have some new hazards to deal with. There are areas where the ground looks different in parts, as if they have faces. These "faces" are where flame jets will shoot out at regular intervals. 

During the part where you'll have to drop down, you'll have to watch out for rocks that drop down from the top of the screen. The rocks will always bounce towards you once they hit the ground. Thankfully, the thin rock platforms allow you to hold Down and press A to drop down, and the 1-Up here is easy to get.

The skulls that come out of the holes in the background are indestructible; just avoid them and move on.

You'll soon meet Lord Contaminous, and the orb containing Jeremy will move up and down as it travels from one end of the room to the others. Hit the stalk that is holding the orb from above, preferably with charge shots, and avoid Lord Contaminous' attacks.

If fireballs rain down, hide underneath a platform to avoid them. Stay all the way to either side of the room to avoid the smog breath. To avoid the guy who bounces around, just slide under him when he moves and just stay away from him. As for the lava plumes, just watch the ground as Lord Contaminous keeps stomping his foot. The plumes usually show up in specific spots.

After you do enough damage to that vine, you'll free Jeremy, who will melt Lord Contaminous melt with the Geocrystal. Lord Contaminous' essence will flee back to his spaceship, and Earth is safe...for now...

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