Wednesday, August 19, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Who Framed Roger Rabbit? (NES) - Part 3 of 8

We finally find our first piece of the Will, then explore outside of the city for the first time.

WARNING: The placements of the items in this Let's Play are random. While you can get all these items, where and when you will come across will vary. You should be able to get an idea of what you should do, should you be stuck at a certain point, but everything about the placement of the items is random.

2:15 - Finally! I kicked that weasel's ass! Take that, you stupid weasel! He'll be back, though...and often, as he appears multiple times throughout this part.

2:44 - If a snake pops up on the world map, stay away so it does not kill you.

3:25 - The flashlight is used to light up the caves to the north.

4:03 - What it feels like to chew 5 Gu-er, I mean, hit a weasel with the most powerful punch you have.

5:06 - There is a cave near the city. It may have a piece of the will, or it may not. Use the flashlight, then use the rattle near the snake to get some information from it. Don't forgot to jump over the gap with the spring shoes, and watch out for the bat. The snake will tell you to look for a piece of the will in a cave above the top tunnel. In other words, we have to go into the caves up north to find one of the four will pieces.

7:30 - The exploding cigar can be used as a weapon.

11:07 - Who's laughing now?, well, I'm not, because I'm dead.

11:25 - Another cave. If you don't see the snake to the right immediately, you'll have to keep walking to the right to find the snake. If you're lucky, you might find a will piece, and whaddya know? We do!

Regardless of what I do or say in any part of the Let's Play, once you find a piece of the will in a certain "quadrant," you don't have to search that "quadrant" anymore. I keep going back and forth on this while playing due to a combination of trying to become more knowledgeable with the game as I play as well as due to a lack of practice runs, but the final word here is: if you find a piece of the will in a certain "quadrant," you don't have to search that "quadrant" anymore. In other words, there will be no other pieces of the will in the city area, and we will have to go to the other areas for the other three pieces.

A piece of advice: when you find a piece of the will, keep notes on where you found it, like "A cave near Burbank," "The Laugh Factory in Burbank," "one of the caves north of Burbank" or "Building #10 in Toontown." That way, you can more easily narrow your search down.

Also, because I don't know this quite yet at this point of the Let's Play, I still keep looking in all the caves near the city, anyway, even though it's been established that the will in this one area has been found. 

15:51 - Here is the area to the north of the city with all the caves. For some dumb reason, I don't check the caves fully and forget what I did to get the first piece of the will that I found in the first place - and within minutes, at that! - and I don't remember until the final part of the Let's Play, when the will piece for this "quadrant" ends up being the last one I get! As a result, I end up getting caught by the weasels multiple times and having Roger carried off by a buzzard once.

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