Thursday, August 27, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Zen: Intergalactic Ninja (Game Boy) - Part 2 of 5

The dam area takes us to a slightly harder area where the jumping gets a little more difficult.

Dam Area

The dogs will come at you at the beginning of this level, and the grenade throwers will also make their return.

Be ready to slide in some parts. Watch out on the bridge above the pit; jump over to the other side before the bridge explodes. Wait for the laser beams to disappear before moving past the laser shooters on the ceiling. 

The water acts as a conveyor belt and will push you back. Keep an eye on the screen, as sometimes things other than enemies can suddenly appear behind you, like health power-ups.

The waterfalls will hinder your jumping. Wait for them to disappear before making your move.

The "1UP" symbol is an extra life.

You'll have another vertical section ear the end, and two waterfalls will drop down every so often, pushing you downwards if you move into them as you jump from platform to platform. There will also be platforms that disappear and re-appear, and these things are made more difficult by the aforementioned waterfalls.

To beat Sulfura, shoot her with charge shots as she flies around. When she stops at a platform, get on the other platform to avoid her sticks of dynamite and hit her with a charge shot if you can. If she flies in place at the center, be ready to avoid fireballs that rain down from the sky. She will then repeat her attack pattern.

The bonus area at the end of this one has you shooting cans before they land in the water. Use the Control Pad to move the target reticle and press A or B to shoot. If the can is in the reticle, you'll blow it up. You can miss a few and still clear this bonus area for the 10,000 points.

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