Thursday, August 6, 2020

PrinceWatercress plays Gex: Enter The Gecko - Part 20 of 25

Well, that red remote took us a while. Might as well go to another bonus level now that we can face Rez.

1:57 - Time to go through this gate. Your platforming skills will be put to the test.

3:52 - Let's try this again.

7:08 - No, seriously, let's try this again.

7:31 - After slinking by the alternating pendulum blades and beating up a ninja, we need to get into this cage. Remember to jump off, or else you'll fall through the gap and die.

8:41 - After following the path and climbing the golden wall panels, you'll have to deal with the small spinning platforms again. Get on the golden wall and climb to the next section.

9:13 - The small platforms here take you to a ramp, which leads...

9:32 - Get to the cage...

9:50- ...and jump off when it stops to get on the roof. From here, you can get the third red remote.

Channel Z is now unlocked, so we can fight Rez again at this point, if we wish.

Bugging Out

Instead, we're going for another bonus level. For this one, you'll have to tail bounce on the gear in the center of the room at least four times, then whip as many bugs that come out as you can and take their tokens. You'll need to collect 70 tokens in 3 minutes, and you'll have to unleash a ton of bugs and hit as many of them as possible to get more tokens in less time. Once you get the 70 tokens, just go to the center to get the gold remote.

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